Five letter word for ‘Funny lady’

A couple weeks ago, I was working on a crossword puzzle and I tweeted the following:

I need a three letter word for ‘PBS funder.’ ‘Viewers like you’ doesn’t fit.



No one got it.

Instead, I got actual responses from (well-meaning! And smart!) people.

But that wasn’t the POINT.

I hate explaining my jokes to people. It leads me to believe I’m not as funny as I think I am.

And that’s the real tragedy here. Looks come and go, but funny is forever, people. If I’m without my humor, then what else do I have?

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9 Responses to Five letter word for ‘Funny lady’

  1. Maura says:

    I grew up with siblings who are legitimately hilarious. It’s been a struggle for a girl who’s just funny.

    Answer: Sarah.

  2. when you tweeted that I chuckled ftr

  3. Holly says:

    Dude, YOU’RE HYSTERICAL. You have made me snort more than a time or two in an quiet ass office when I have been “looking busy.”

  4. Emiliy M says:

    HEY! I totally laughed out loud at that tweet!

  5. PinkieBling says:

    I laughed at the tweet, too! I like Temerity Jane’s perspective: if you didn’t laugh, you must not have heard me correctly. 🙂

  6. Um, that is hilarious. I did a mental “bah dum bump.” Because DUH.

  7. akymbo says:

    Wait, what’s the answer??? (Also, I laughed out loud. I did not lol, though…)

  8. Pingback: Temerity Jane » Blog Archive » He must not have heard me correctly.

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