Fall into change

It is now (FINALLY) September, which means we’ve entered my second-favorite month of the year (my birth month, February, is first-favorite.)

This is the month of anniversaries (my parents’, mine, my BFF’s) and Labor Day (no work!), as well as the official first day of Fall, which, even though September is usually still one of the hottest months here in California, is my favorite season.

September will also, SO HELP ME GOD, bring an end to August: The Month Of Sick. We’ve all been sick twice (various colds and flus; nothing too serious, except LG had a slight flu and there’s nothing more sad than your usually-happy baby all red- and watery-eyed and pitiful.)

It’s time to give August the boot and get out of the house FINALLY, so on this long weekend we are — rain or shine, sore throat or not — going to Napa to, A) Pick up our wine shipment, and B) Sit out on the patio and enjoy some bubbles.

There are a lot of things I miss about living in San Diego: The quick walk to our favorite bar; the hills along the cliffs, which are far superior for working out than our flat subdivision; and countless restaurants that are not named Chili’s or BJ’s or (Cr)Applebee’s.

But San Diego doesn’t have the beautiful wine country, where I’d spend every weekend if money were no object. It doesn’t have my nice big house, with my garden in the backyard. And it doesn’t have seasons that change, where leaves fall and rain comes, and the hills outside our bedroom window turn bright green.

We met as kids there, but we’ll raise our kid here, where changes actually happen. Change can be good, change can be very, very good.

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2 Responses to Fall into change

  1. You forgot to mention that every house looks almost the same and stucco is the new red brick. Oh wait, is that just my town?

    Glad you’re here and staying put!

  2. queencaren says:

    Wish we were closer to enjoy those bubbles, the baby OMG she is so delicious I can hardly even contain myself when I talk about her and as an aside… I NEVER thought I’d be as fully lobatomized as I am… did I spell that correctly?… and also… I wish we were closer to enjoy… crap, I’m repeating myself.

    Shit, can you tell I’m into my third glass of wine tonight? Tomorrow is a vacation day for me…

    Seriously, ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND and if the sickies aren’t well – drive your cute, hot, fit, new mom ass to hoist a glass and pick up that shipment!

    Love you,


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