All growned up

After all the initial sadness (all mine) and tears (all mine) about taking LG to daycare, it actually turned out fine. Chris and I dropped her off together that first Monday morning and I never looked back. I didn’t call all day, figuring they’d call me if there was a problem and of course, no one called me. LG was just fine, as I knew she would be. (It was me I was more worried about.)

While I do miss her during the day, of course, I know she’s really enjoying it there and the daycare ladies LOVE HER. Every day, they tell us how easy LG is and how she’s the best baby. I know they probably tell every parent that about their kid, but…No they don’t. LG is the best, dammit.

Just being her usual awesome self. No big deal.

They also regularly tell me how I should be a supermodel and how pretty I am and well, between that and the complementary coffee and tea (and sometimes muffins and scones!) they put out for the parents, I might just start hanging out there myself.

Of course with a room full of snot-nosed little kids, germs abound and by the end of the first week, LG was sick.

Here’s the poor little lamb-chop passed out on the couch the Saturday after her first week at daycare:

Passed out on the couch
And because she’s such a giving and sharing child, she gave her cold to me. What a doll.

Cold notwithstanding, daycare has been great and worth every penny, just like we knew it would be. Now, if only we could pay to stop time a little bit, because MY BABY IS GROWING UP TOO FAST.

“What, MOM?”

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5 Responses to All growned up

  1. This might sound bitchy, but I’m so glad to see a mom write something nice about daycare. So many mothers act like it’s the worst thing in the world for moms to go back to work & leave their babies with STRANGERS OMFGZ. I like to hear from a mom who’s back at work, baby in daycare, & still, you know, loving the kid.

  2. Angella says:


  3. PinkieBling says:

    Could not agree more with SS. Congrats on finding a good fit! (Also couldn’t agree more with Angella. 🙂 )

  4. Jenn says:

    I’m just catching up on your blog…I’ve been moving cross country and such. She is absolutely adorable. Glad the transition to day care hasn’t been too rough on you.

  5. Rhi says:

    The child is damn cute. And, I love her little thighs.

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