Lessons Learned from Mom: Part Five

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four (Dad Edition)

“Many hands make for light work.”

Oh man, did I hear this all the time growing up. And now I say it all the time because dammit to hell, it is so true. Need to unload groceries? Everybody help! Need to…Wash something (?) (I don’t know, I don’t clean.) Everybody help! Many hands make for light work!

Always carry a wine opener

This one comes courtesy of my mother-in-law, who, on the very first night I met her, gave me a wine opener to carry in my purse. I now swipe wine openers from hotels whenever possible and hand them out to other, wine opener-less people.

My co-workers made fun of me for carrying a wine opener until (can you see where this story is going?) we threw a cocktail party for the people on our floor and didn’t have a wine opener. That’s right, everyoooooone laugh at the pregnant chick who carries a wine opener everywhere…UNTIL YOU NEED TO USE HER WINE OPENER, of course.

What lessons have you learned from your mom? Or dad? Or mother-in-law? Or grandma? Or mother-figure? Or father-figure? Or George Michael?

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3 Responses to Lessons Learned from Mom: Part Five

  1. I love the wine opener story! How cool that you were in a situation where you had to use one!

    We gave out wine in welcome bags for guests to my wedding. And since guests were all staying in hotel rooms, we bought a bunch of the little corkscrews at Wal-Mart. Somehow, we ended up with about 20 extra. When I went home for Christmas last year, I opened a drawer in my desk and it was full of corkscrews. Guess I should grab a couple to pop into my purses!

  2. Angella says:

    I always have one in my suitcase, but not in my purse. Must. Remedy.

  3. kakaty says:

    Being an event planner in a previous job, I too always have a wine opener nearby. I sometimes have one in my purse but there’s always one in my car (along with tape, tissue paper, sharpies and twine – you just never know). And, like you, I was laughed at until it came in handy at a work function. Never, ever leave home without a wine opener!

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