Well, it appears I’m good at growing something.


July 10, 2011

DUDE! Look how big these sunflowers are!!!

And now…

August 7, 2011
When sunflowers attack!!!
Umm. Holy crap. And the flowers still haven’t bloomed yet, which makes me wonder…Exactly how tall are these mo-fos gonna get? Hey neighbors, I hope you like sunflowers in your yard!

So. Who wants roasted sunflower seeds this fall? Anyone?

Also, remind me to tell you sometime about my fear of plants. It’s…interesting.

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  1. me me me!!!

    Gorgeous. I need help with my teeny garden. I can grow a damn good herb, though.

  2. Michelle says:

    That is CRAZY!!!!

  3. Holly says:

    Awesome! I have never even SEEN sunflowers that big. So cool!

  4. whoa!!! what are you putting in that soil?!!

  5. Wowza! Those things are crazy!

    I do love sunflower seeds on my salads, though.

  6. Rhi says:

    Sunflowers are ridiculous plants. We had one randomly pop up in our parking strip (space between the sidewalk and the street, which we have to take care of but the city is the boss of. dumb) last summer that was 3 inches one day and 6 feet the next. (I may be exaggerating a little)

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