Peanut free mom*!

Me: Oh, I need to get a peanut to rub on LG’s face.

Chris: …WHY?

Me: Because I want to make sure she’s not allergic to peanuts.

Chris: …

Me, grabbing a peanut from a container of mixed nuts: We need to build up her immunity!

Chris: Well you need to use one without the skin on it! It needs to be a plain peanut!

Aaaaand, this is why we’re awesome parents.

Also, the rub-a-peanut-on-LG test turned out positive. Or negative. Whatever, she was fine.

*The title comes from the Twitter account @PeanutFreeMom, which is a parody on all the nut-(no pun intended)-case parents out there. I don’t follow him/her, but I do check in every once in awhile for a chuckle.

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5 Responses to Peanut free mom*!

  1. Angella says:

    I’d never heard of @PeanutFreeMom until Linda told us about it at BlogHer. We all sat there reading it until we were cry-laughing. Comedy gold, right there.

  2. Megan says:

    Ahh, Peanut-Free Mom! Also hilarious? Your Aunt Diane. Look it up, I’ll wait.

  3. PinkieBling says:

    Hee hee hee!

  4. jimaiemarie says:

    hahahaha!! You guys are hilarious.
    Now I’m resisting the urge to rub a peanut on Moriah’s face. Except all we have in the house is peanut butter and I’m not sure that would be ok.

  5. Jenn says:

    Hilarious! So many kids have allergies that I think more parents should do that. Seriously? When we were kids we could bring homemade treats to school, anything that had peanuts in it and kids were fine. I can’t take anything with nuts or made near nuts or anything homemade to my kid’s school. LAME.

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