30 Little Things

My girl Sarah over at Sensibly Sassy posted a blogging prompt/project/whatever you want to call it and I thought I’d jump on her bandwagon. A lot of the prompts (listed below) seem like they’d be perfect for picture-related posts and since I desperately need to start using my fancy new camera, I thought I’d turn it into a photo project of sorts. Plus, it sounds reminiscent of my 30 Little Things project from a couple years ago (except with actual focus, which I so desperately need these days), so there you go…Bandwagon a-jumping!

I think the initial point of the project was 30 Posts In 30 Days, but we all know THAT ain’t gonna happen, so it’ll be more like 30 Little Things In However Long It Takes Me To Complete, Probably Like Six Months Or Something.

Here are the prompts, which I’ll tackle in whatever order strikes my fancy:

  1. Your work space
  2. The best part of your day
  3. Something you refuse to do
  4. The last book you read
  5. Meaning behind your blog name
  6. A talent you wish you had
  7. A photo of you without makeup
  8. The last item you purchased
  9. Something that makes you sad
  10. 15 facts about you
  11. Your favorite thing right now
  12. The best Christmas present you ever got
  13. Your favorite teacher
  14. Something you’re thankful for
  15. A photo from your childhood
  16. Something you crave
  17. Your worst hair moment
  18. Your favorite smells
  19. The last time you cried
  20. The last time you had to apologize to someone
  21. Something that scares you
  22. Something that really bugs you
  23. What you dislike most about your appearance
  24. Your celebrity crush
  25. A trait you deplore in others
  26. A photo taken 10 years ago
  27. The first book/movie/song that moved you
  28. What turns you off
  29. The story behind one of your scars
  30. This one was left blank, so how about you pick it and I’ll stick it? (And if you can name the movie that’s from, I’ll pay you ten dollars.)
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5 Responses to 30 Little Things

  1. I really like this list but my mind is a blank when it comes to filling in #30. Sigh. My mind is a blank a lot lately.

    How about 5 foods you refuse to eat?

    Or 5 people, living or dead, you’d like to have over for dinner?

    In any case, I’m looking forward to your responses!

  2. barbetti says:

    I LOVE this. And I think I’d like to see a video blog as number 30.

  3. Kristie says:

    I really like this idea! Imma have to borrow it! 🙂

  4. Kristie says:

    Also, sorry about the “imma”, I forgot how white I really am sometimes. Lord help me.

  5. ooh glad you are participating too! I agree with Barbetti, the last one should be a video blog!

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