I got goalz

Since it’s a new year, I thought I’d make some resolutions (or resos, as we call ’em in the biz), although I’m not really resolving to do anything differently, as much as I’m just making a list of stuff to do. So, here are some things to do this year:

1. Read a book a month. Some people I know (Elizabeth, ahem) read hundreds (literally, HUNDREDS) of books a year. This amazes and impresses me, as I think I read, oh, maybe four or five books last year? While I was always reading something, I certainly wasn’t burning through the books (clearly.) So this year, I’d like to read a little more. Which means I need to get through the last 60 pages of “Pride and Prejudice” in the next 20-ish days. (Help!)

2. Learn all the capitals to all the countries. I already know all my state capitals, but only a handful of country capitals, so I’d really like to learn them once and for all. I don’t really know why, or how it will help me in the future, but I love geography, so I figure this would be kind of fun (or something?) Anyway, I’ve learned two so far already! Nuuk, Greenland and Yerevan, Armenia. Only 190 (or so) more to go.

3. Expand the garden. This should be an exceptionally fun job, as I’ll be about eight months pregnant when it’s time to start the garden and it’s already completely overrun with weeds, but at least this is my last year of weeding. Next year I can just stick the kid in the garden and let her weed. (That’s why people have kids, right? Free labor?)

4. A bunch of house stuff, that I don’t even want to put into a list, because it’s so overwhelming, but includes re-doing the kitchen on the cheap and buying some final pieces of furniture and art and painting the master bathroom and and and…

5. Unplug. I’m addicted to my phone and I really, really need not be. I’m constantly plugged in throughout the day, so I just need to put the phone away once I get home from work. If I had a nickel for every time Chris asked me, “What’s going on in that iPhone world?!” and I answered with, “Looking at pictures of so-and-so’s dog…” or “Seeing what who’s-a-what’s-it is making for dinner…” well, I’d be rich. So, no more Internetting at night. Or at least, less Internetting at night. (Tonight doesn’t count!)

Well, that’s all, she wrote! What are your goals/resos/to dos this year?

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5 Responses to I got goalz

  1. Holly says:

    Last weekend Garrett and I randomly put up a map of Africa with all its capitals on the fridge because we are GIANT NERDS. Somehow I feel like if I succeed in geography, I will succeed in life…and right now I am very very bad at anything remotely geographic, so I love that goal of yours. Well I love them all actually — I love reading other people’s goals. Again with the giant nerd-ness. Ack!

  2. Jennie says:

    Oh, I want to learn all the capitals too! (I know — or knew — the states, but maybe I should refresh.)

    I love geography.

    Geography and champagne: SOUL MATES.

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  4. I love #1 & #2. In fact, I’m working on #1 myself – successfully, so far! But, um, I’m mostly reading young adult sci-fi novels. Does that still count? Also, download the song “Capital” by Rockapella.

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