30 Little Things : 7 : The last item I purchased

I don’t know if this is actually the last item I purchased – I think the last thing I bought was gas (boring!) or maybe some maternity stuff from Gap (which said it was delivered yesterday, but was not delivered yesterday…You guys, I have NO clothes that fit…None.) – but this is the last fun thing I bought.

My girl Mama Bub posted about these mascara samplers on Style Lush and I didn’t waste one day before ordering mine:
30 Little Things : 7 : The last item I purchased

I’ve tried about half of the mascaras so far, so I can’t determine a favorite just yet, but I’ll keep you posted.

Also, dudes totally don’t get the thrill of the sampler mascara kit. That is, unless you explain it to them like this:

Me: Imagine you could buy a kit with all the different brands of wrenches – Craftsman, Snap-On, Crescent, what have you – which would allow you to easily determine WHICH brand you liked best.

Chris: That would be awesome…But like $300.

Me: Imagine if it was only THIRTY-TWO dollars.

Chris: (Speechless. Mind = blown.)

(For background, and to keep updated on what I’ve accomplished in the 30 Little Things project, click here. Also, follow Sensibly Sassy, Barbetti, Ready for 30, Maura Lessa, Vicki, Kristie, Just Expressive, and Penny as they play along too!)

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7 Responses to 30 Little Things : 7 : The last item I purchased

  1. jimaiemarie says:

    hahah!! I love the explanation to Chris.
    I had seen you post a picture of this on Twitter and was so curious as to where it was from! I’m thinking that this is going to NEED to be on my bday list FO SHO this year. Or actually maybe I need it before…Because holy moly I am drooling over the awesomeness.
    Is this avail in store??

  2. Mama Bub says:

    Would you believe I haven’t pulled the trigger on this yet? We have a babysitter lined up for Tax Return Spending 2011 this weekend and I plan to get that AND the lip gloss one. Hold me back.

  3. Alyssa says:

    I’ve used the bad gal mascara quite a lot and I really like it! Although I can’t always talk myself into buying $19 mascara, sooo I still favor the little pink bottle of maybelline 🙂

  4. can we get an amen for sephora right now? I frickin love that place

  5. barbetti says:

    I love your explanation to Chris, too. That would be like me describing different brands of pistols and barrel lengths to Stephen. Or a “grab bag” of sports cars. Thankfully, my vices are much cheaper.

  6. Noemi says:

    Perfect, perfect analogy.

  7. a) The analogy is awesome. His response is priceless.

    b) $32 for all those mascaras? I love me some mascara, but am way cheap. Clearly I need to get over to the nearest Sephora.

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