Why don’t you all just…fade away?

I’m going through this phase where everything pisses me off. While I don’t usually act super cheery, I am a happy individual, so to be constantly annoyed isn’t really that fun. For anyone. Mostly not fun for Chris, who doesn’t deserve my mean mugs and hairy dog eyes. Like my mom said the other day, “Why would you be mean to Chris? He’s wonderful and never does anything wrong.” It’s true, he’s pretty damn awesome, but we’re not here to talk about him and his wonderfulness. We’re here to talk about things that are pissing me right the hell off.

Things that are pissing me right the hell off:

– The fact that people don’t know I’m pregnant and act accordingly by way of special services. I’m looking at YOU, person who wouldn’t let me into my lane on the freeway (even though I had my blinker on, dammit!) I’m PREGNANT, therefore, you should let me in your lane (you also shouldn’t cut me off.) Basically, everyone should just KNOW I’m pregnant and do everything in their power to make my life easier.

– The man who tried to cut in front of me in line going through security this morning. Was me handing my purse to the security tech taking too long for you, Mr. Important? Rule: No one jumps in front of me in line. Ever. But especially not when I’m pregnant. (See above.)

– The temp who’s been filling in for our office told me this morning I look bigger than I did yesterday. I told her I was the same size as yesterday and then she tried to say something about how maybe it was my shirt. (Like I’m supposed to find a shirt that fits nicely around a giant lump? Psh.)

Why do people say these things to pregnant women? WHY? The only thing people should say to pregnant women is, “You look great!” or “You don’t even look pregnant!” or something that’s probably a total lie, but whatever; us pregnant women are sensitive little creatures (who’ll rip your head off if you say the wrong thing.)

Alright, I feel better now that I’ve gotten some of this negativity out! Care to share some things that are currently pissing you right the hell off? Do it — you’ll feel better!

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13 Responses to Why don’t you all just…fade away?

  1. Rhi says:

    I’m pissed off at people who are out of the office, yet do not put out of office notices on their voicemail or email. Basically I’ve been waiting around for two people all day that aren’t in the office and aren’t able to do their damn work.

  2. Kerri Anne says:

    The only thing upsetting me at the moment is that I’m not on a beach somewhere tropical, sipping a cold beverage with sun on my face, listening to nothing but the sound of the ocean three feet away from me.

  3. hillary says:

    People who SHOULD know that I’m pregnant but ignore it (like the asshats on the train who refuse to stand up and give me a damn seat) or people who I KNOW can tell I’m pregnant (because they’ve just been starting at my bump. Which is another thing that pisses me off) and don’t care (like the BITCHFACE MOTHERFUCKER who literally elbowed me out of the way to get on the train first this morning.) I feel your pain is what I’m saying. Also? Shawn probably feels Chris’s pain.

  4. YES! Yesterday, Scott and I drove to the gym, FINALLY found parking, I realized I had left my wallet with my ID in it at home, and then we trekked all the way up the hill to the gym hoping they’d let me in anyway (since they have my photo on file) and they wouldn’t! Jerks! Naturally, it was THEIR fault I left MY ID at home, after all.

    So I trekked back to the car (downhill this time), drove home, got my ID and drove back to the gym, only to find a rock star space, put on my blinker and wait for a minute or so as all of the oncoming traffic passed then while doing so, this old lady swooped in and parked in MY spot. Not only that, she parked in the middle of two open spots! I laid on the horn for that one, though what I really wanted to do was mow her over.

  5. natalie says:

    It’s like when people get around someone who’s pregnant they lose all filters. They say crazy things that they would’ve never said to a non-pregnant person. Go ahead and get a baby on board sign now!

  6. Christina says:

    I think all of my hate just melted away by reading Hillary say bitchface motherfucker! Damn, that made me giggle.
    My mom has been here for 8 days and I’m getting to my breaking point. She called Nate a little Fuck Head yesterday, (to me, not to him) and I had to yell at her for that. Also, she somehow spends my money and insults the size of my ass and my “dated” home and then finds time to wash out my cabinets while I’m nursing the baby and reminds me that she did it and that she just moped the floors again becuase the little fuck head spilled his juice and omg is it Saturday yet? I’m ready to drop kick her to the departure curb. OY!

  7. queencaren says:

    You have very angry friends.
    LMFAO at my own comment just now.

    Praying for all of you little fucks.

  8. I… cannot believe the temp said that. Not okay, ever.

    Here’s hoping your weekend is free of dickheads!

  9. YES, on the first one.

    I’d be all, “You are going to feel REALLY GUILTY when you realize I’m WITH CHILD, ASSHOLE!”

    I’m still the same way now that I have a baby in the car. “You jerk! Stay in your lane! Don’t you realize I HAVE A BABY IN THE CAR?”

    I’m all about getting special treatment and hating on bad drivers.


  10. Hillary and I must have been on the same train this morning because that ALSO happened to me. Idiots can’t tell I’m pregnant? I DON’T CARE. GIMME A SEAT.

  11. jonniker says:

    I almost never say, “Just wait until…” because it’s not like this is worse in terms of parenting, but I’m telling you, if you get enraged when someone cuts you in line at the airport while pregnant, OH MY GOD, just WAIT until someone does it to you while you have a screaming impatient toddler. I could not BELIEVE the balls of the guy who did that to me, while I was by myself, obviously struggling with a suitcase and a toddler who would not be contained and he just CUT ME RIGHT THE FUCK OFF.

    Really? REALLY? You cut off a woman and a CHILD? REALLY? The reason it’s so painful isn’t because it’s any ruder, but because it’s actually much more miserable FOR YOU when you have the baby on the outside, screaming and pissed off, because you just want to take a machete to that asshole’s face.

  12. Sarah says:

    I have a feeling this whole thing is only going to get worse once I have the kid. My mom almost got into a fight with a woman on a plane (about my seat) when I was SEVENTEEN. Moms are not to be messed with.

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