Happy Thanksgiving! Several days ago…

First of all, I need to apologize for my lack of blogging. I don’t know why I am even bothering apologizing for that. I mean, how many times have I apologized for that here and yet I NEVER end up blogging more regularly. Maybe I just need to accept that I’m a once-every-three weeks blogger?

[Which is funny, actually, because I’ve begun writing about five different posts since my last one and then, for whatever reason, I have abandoned them completely. Take this post, for example. I actually started writing this one BEFORE Thanksgiving and I’m only getting around to editing and posting it now. Which means I need to basically delete everything I wrote about Thanksgiving.]

Anyway, so I guess I’ll try to be better. Or something. Maybe not. Either way, here are a couple updates for y’all…


Thanks for all your input on The Great Skinny Jeans Dilemma! I sucked it up and bought a pair of skinnies from Old Navy and…I actually like them! They do not in fact make my butt and thighs look more ginormous than they already are, which is obviously great. As I predicted, however, they still are not tight enough around the knees/calves, so the tucking problem continues on. Either way, they’re better than what I was working with before, so, it’s a win! And, now that I’ve discussed the disproportionality of my legs more than I ever thought I would, let’s move on.


The Great Hair Intervention has also been rectified, as I paid a visit to San Diego two three (see? I had to edit that…terrible) weekends ago for, among other things, a much-needed visit to my stylist. I didn’t do anything too drastic. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not much of a drastic hair-do-er. It stems from laziness, really; I procrastinate and procrastinate on getting my hair done, so I really can’t be bothered with shorter styles or colored dos.


Not that this is a giant newsflash, but Thanksgiving is was this Thursday. And I could not be was never more excited. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday ever ever ever. While this is not the first time I’ve hosted a Thanksgiving, it is the first time I’ve done so from a house. A house with a giant kitchen, can I get a woo-hoo!

[I had more stuff written about Thanksgiving and how excited I was, but four days later, it seemed a little pointless. Anyway, Thanksgiving was fantastic and once everyone in my family sends me their pictures, I’ll post those. So, hey, family! Send me your pictures, will ya?]


We used our fireplace for the first time this past weekend two weekends ago and before you ask, let me answer for you: Yes, it is a real wood-burning fireplace. I never knew there was a difference in fireplaces until I had several people ask me if it was wood-burning or gas – Aren’t they all wood-burning?, I thought. After determining that we don’t have the circle-knob-thingy by the side of the fireplace, I figured out that we have a real, wood-burning fireplace. This is better somehow, I guess? Something about the heat being produced? Well, I wouldn’t know, because either way, if there’s a fire, I’ll scoot right up in its face and singe off my eyebrows  to stay hot. I love fires.

Anyway, so the fireplace was nice for several reasons. Number one, as I just mentioned, I LOVE FIRES; number two, we are without a paper shredder and I had a stack of documents that needed to be destroyed; and number three, FIRE.

The not-so-good thing about a fireplace, however, is the cleaning. We forgot that we need one of those fireplace cleaner-upper kits and so we just let the ash pile up all weekend. In anticipation of Thanksgiving, I needed to clean every inch of this house spic-and-span, which included the fireplace. Chris mentioned that the ShopVac would be good for this, which I thought was brilliant. I mean, why get on my hands and knees and sweep when I can just suck everything up lickedy-split, right? Right? Hah!

As if I even need to tell you what happened, the stupid ShopVac exploded. Blew up. Ash was EVERYWHERE. So, not only did I end up cleaning the fireplace on hand and knees, but I also had to clean the entire living room twice because ash is a funny thing in that it NEVER SEEMS TO GO AWAY.

Related: I am not hosting Thanksgiving next year.

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