The Real Housewives of You’re Too Good For This Show

It’s been awhile since I’ve brought you any Real Housewives insight — fear not, I haven’t decided I’m “too good” for reality TV; rather, I’ve just been busy watching the Olympics and attempting to do this adult thing called “read books” (have you heard of this?) — but I did catch up with my New York housewives this weekend I have some thoughts.

Namely, Carole. Man, I’d like to be Carole when I grow up, wouldn’t you? Braless, beanied, boho Carole — she’s just so cool. Which makes me wonder, why is she on this show? She’s too good for it! In fact, when I think about it, every season has its Is Too Good For The Real Housewives cast-member. Let’s discuss.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills — Camille
I know Camille was an insufferable bitch that first season, but not only did she redeem herself in the second (she was my favorite, even!), she’s been an odd woman out from the start. First of all, she’s filthy rich, so it’s not like she needs the show in I imagine some of the other cast-members do. (It makes me laugh to type “cast-member,” because, well, I don’t even need to explain why, right?) Also, with her proximity to “celebrity” (read: Kelsey), it seemed weird that she needed the show to get her any perks or whatever. Of course now that’s a whole different story, but still.

Real Housewives of Orange County — Heather
I just really like Heather, as a person. Maybe it’s because she’s a raven-haired Jewish gal (give me one of those ANY day), but I just felt a kinship with her and wondered why she needed to be on the show. Again with the filthy rich. And again, with the celebrity aspect. I think part of it had to do with wanting to rekindle the acting career, so that makes a little more sense, but still. I would have expected better of her.

Real Housewives New York — Carole
Like I mentioned above, I just do not get Carole as a housewife. She just seems so balanced and zen and an all-around hip, hip lady. She had a real job! And is now a writer! I imagine, being a Housewife and all, there’s some crazy lurking beneath the surface, though. Either that or she won’t return next season. Bravo loves its nutcases.

Honorable Mention: Real Housewives of New Jersey — Jacqueline and Dina
I hesitate to even include New Jersey on this list because they’re ALL just so, so crazy, so of course they want to be on the show, but I have always thought Jacqueline was relatively normal (if not a little spineless when it comes to her daughter and also being friends with the crazy lady whose name I can’t recall right now — you know the one.) She really just seems like she’s trying to do the best she can and is surrounded by crazies despite her best efforts. I wonder if part of it has to do with The Family being on the show and figuring, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

But then there’s Dina, who I did always like and who I respected for jumping ship after the first season. Even though she might have started out as a reality TV whore (see whatever show she was on a couple years prior — My Big Tacky Wedding or something), it seems like she was just a normal chick trying to raise her teenage daughter.

Who are your favorite Too Good For This Ridiculous Show That I Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Watching cast-members (hee)?

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10 Responses to The Real Housewives of You’re Too Good For This Show

  1. queencaren says:

    Naturally, I agree with your assessment 100%. I do love Carole – BUT I do think she’s kind of becoming a mean girl and while I appreciate the funny comments, I think she could reign in the mean girl behavior a bit.

    Of all of the people you mentioned – She’s the stand out – I don’t belong here person.

    Heather kind of – but she’s launching that Restaurant so the buzz will be good for her. And I like that she’s normal. And brunette.

  2. Holly says:

    I’m finding New York almost unwatchable this season. Note that I said almost. I haven’t missed a single Housewives episode in um…ever. Addiction. So — Carole, yes, by far the most “normal” but there is also something a little weird about her that I can’t put my finger on — the strangely open relationship with the rockstar that she just keeps calling “cool” sort of bugs. Like, who calls their relationship “cool” and still has friends. Your relationship just IS or it ISN’T, no comparative adjectives for hipness needed, and the fact that YOUR boyfriend bones groupies while on tour doesn’t exactly make it see “cool” to me. But maybe that’s because I live in a Sacramento suburb and not NYC. 🙂 That said, the rest of them are waaaaaaay more whackadoodle. So I give her a pass for that.

    100% agree on Heather. Maybe she will be our friend and we can ride in helicopters places and drink champs and be fabulous. I wouldn’t mind that.

    I partially agree with Camille but I also kind of like Kyle and sometimes wonder why she is on that show. I mean, she doesn’t (until recently) have odd businesses to promote, etc. So, why? Oh but I kind of wish they’d bring back Brandi Glanville just because of the stuff that comes out of her mouth.

    And for the record, no one on Atlanta is too cool for that show. They all deserve it.

    Did you hear Miami is coming back? I do not miss that.

    (Also, will you still be my friend even though I’ve written this long of A COMMENT talking about Real Housewives?)

  3. Raven says:

    Danielle (that’s not even her real name) the prostitution wh-oah is who you are thinking of re: former friends with Jaqueline.

    I do love Carole but agree with moms that she is sort of turning mean girl-ish but when you are surrounded with that much batshit, I don’t really know how you wouldn’t really. I mean, SERIOUSLY with “the women” this season? Come on now. I also like Aviva but her dad is just a major skeeve and her only angle seems to be about her leg, SHE IS MORE THAN HER LEG RAMONA (and Bravo). LuAnn is just insufferable, more than even I thought possible from previous seasons. UGH.

    I also agree that there is no one on Atlanta but after the whole “Tardy for the Wedding” I actually Like (yes with a capital L) Kim. Mainly because I like Kroy so damn much even with the stupid spelling of his name but still, I actually would watch Atlanta for her now and that’s saying a lot because if Miss Leekes is on it again? I might be busily screaming at the tv. Course Miss Thing got herself a TV show like she’s something, so she’s probably not doing another season.

    Speaking of another season can you BELIEVE that they brought back Miami? MIAMI?! I would only be more shocked if they did another DC season.

    Also, I am so glad that Adrienne and Dr. Paul are divorcing. It was so obvs how much she loathed that dude on the show. I feel sorry for their boys, of course, but man she could barely stand to be in the same room with him. I wonder if she’ll be back if they do another season of BH?

  4. Rhi says:

    I have not watched but one episode of NY. My favorite among the gals you mentioned is Heather. And, I truly think that Caroline is too good for NJ. (now off to see about Miami being brought back)

  5. CBHL says:

    I love me some housewives (aside from Miami & DC)! I recorded all the ATL episodes & actually fast forward to the parts with Kim & Kroy…can’t wait to follow her new pregnancy, cuz you KNOW it will be televised! I didn’t even bother going back & watching the rest-too damn annoying.
    I find it fascinating when there is a housewife who can stand up for herself, while not getting into a knock down drag out fight with any of the other women. I feel like so far Carole has been that way, as well as Adrienne from BH. Yes, Carole has said some things that could definitely ruffle some feathers, but she’s had pretty valid points, & her whole conversation with Luann about how tacky it was asking her designer
    friend for a dress!? Wow, I was surprised at how well that went! I guess the countess can learn some manners from the princess! HA!
    For the record, the OC is by far my favorite cast & I get butterflies before the start of a new season!

  6. Kenzie says:

    You seriously hit the nail right on the head. Though I can’t even watch New York anymore and haven’t in a long, long time…Carole has seemed a pretty normal character in previews. Everyone in ATL is cray – even Kim but I LOVE her.

    Whatever happened to DC?? They sucked too and I can’t even remember any of their names..

    Anyway, I’ll probably never stop watch OC, BH and NJ. Too good to miss. 🙂

  7. Heather is my all time favorite-she seems so centered and fun-totally above it all ya know?

  8. Caitlin says:

    My guess is that Carole’s crazy will come out. I agree with Holly that there’s something about her I can’t put my finger on. It bubbles just below the surface! Basically what Holly said. But I love her anyway. And will now think of “Braless, beanied, boho Carole” every time I see her.

    I love Dina, and respect that she backed out of the show. I like Jacqueline, but it bothers me that she’s so spineless and I can’t respect anyone who is drawn to such losers as her besties (Danielle! Teresa!). I suspect she has a Fix It complex, or an I’m Not Good Enough complex. I’m no longer sure about Caroline. She seemed like the most sane one, but there’s something about her this season that irks. Your son has to focus on his business so he can’t be in a relationship? He’s like 26! What the hell! Plus other stuff.

  9. One of the housewives was at our kids’ school last year — Alexis. IRL, her makeup is an inch thick and she wore false eyelashes for drop-off at 7:45am. Which was weird.

    On the other hand, she was very sweet, involved, and her son James & my little guy Lukas were in the same class and got along quite well. They’ve had a few playdates (always at their house — she doesn’t allow her kids to go over to other people’s homes due to death threats, which is really sad), and she often picked Lukas up without makeup or her hair done and guess what? She’s really pretty w/o all that crap on her face.

    We’re now moving to back to Sacramento, so that will be the end of the relationship. Which is okay, since she always called me Rebecca anyway.

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