LG for Prez

LG started in the toddler class on Monday and for whatever reason, that was harder for me than the very first daycare drop-off (almost one year ago!) I just really loved her teachers in the infant room and they loved her and almost as importantly, they told me everyday how pretty and skinny and cute I looked, and, well, who doesn’t want that, let’s be honest here.

On LG’s last day in the infant room, the main teacher, a very cute, petite Filipina woman (who somehow has the ability to wear white pants WHILE taking care of 8+ babies all day and not get herself dirty — she is my hero) gave me and LG a big hug and I was just sad.

But! All for naught, because LG started in the toddler room without incident and has basically be ruling the roost ever since. I joke that she’s planning a total daycare takeover, because…I don’t know…I just feel like she is. She’s opinionated (about everything), she’s loud (again, about everything), and when you look in her eyes, you can just see she’s up to something.

They had swimming time the other day and Chris got word at pick-up that LG was the only kid who didn’t cry when they put her in the water.

Phase one of total daycare takeover: Establish yourself as the strongest leader.

And apparently, they let her work the hose and she gleaned much pleasure over spraying it on the other kids.

Phase two of the total daycare takeover: Weed out the weaklings. There’s no need for them.

I’m not gonna lie, I was totally charmed by that, guys.

I’m thinking she’ll be daycare president by year’s end. Look for her name on a bumper-sticker near you in 2016.

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4 Responses to LG for Prez

  1. Raven says:

    Oh, I am charmed by this whole thing! I love her!

  2. A'Dell says:

    I totally felt the same way when Claire left a room and moved on to another. HARD! You just get to know those people and you wonder if the ladies next door are as good and what about that big kid over there who OBV needs to move up to the next class HIMSELF and…yeah it’s a weird non-milestone!

    She’s so cute.

  3. Nana says:

    She’s got my vote!

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