
(Thanks, Holly, for always providing me with blog ideas.)

Rocking out to The Black Keys.

Enjoying the cool (“cool” — it’s supposed to be 91-degrees today) weather.

Watching nothing at this precise moment, but I will be watching Flying Wild Alaska this evening. It’s a Friday tradition!

Drinking water. Boring, but necessary! 80 ounces a day!

Wondering if we can swing a California > Oregon coast > Seattle road-trip this summer.

Waiting for an appropriate time to change into my yoga clothes (lunchtime yoga — I have high hopes!) Can’t I just work in stretchy shorts and a tank-top all day? No? Damn.

Feeling happy that’s it’s finally Friday. Every week is the longest week ever, am I right?

Reading Killing Lincoln.

Dying over the fact that less than one month after we got my car fixed from being keyed (“FUCK U” in two places and other various scratches, thanks a lot, you jerks!), I managed to pop my tire by running over a curb AND scrape the side (luckily the side that didn’t just get fixed) on a pole at the gas station. In the span of four days. Bad luck? Bad driver? Both, probably.

Loving how LG lifts her shirt up when we say, “Where’s your tummy?” She doesn’t know any other body parts, but she’s got the tum on lock-down. Smart lady.

Surprised that it’s already July. How is the year half over? What happened? Where did it go? How am I almost 30? Etc., etc.

Planning to go on a hike and to the farm stand tomorrow.

Excited for homemade Big Macs for dinner.

What about you? Happy weekend, friends!

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3 Responses to Currently…

  1. PinkieBling says:

    You’re absolutely right, every week is the longest week ever! The mid-week break last week screwed me up even more, I think. Cheers to the freakin’ weekend! No plans so far, but hoping to see Magic Mike with some girlfriends.

    I cannot believe that someone keyed your car. Who DOES that? Do you have an arch nemesis? Sorry about the pole… I did that exact same thing once, but on the drivers’ side. I have crappy depth perception.

    BTW, I’ve been meaning to mention that you look like you’ve lost weight. You’re gorgeous no matter what, of course.

  2. It was 93 here today, and I too considered that “cool.” After 12 days of triple-digit weather, it was definitely a nice little break!

  3. Holy bad car luck. That is the worst!

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