All about LGeeeeeeee

It’s been…a really long time since I did an LG update and I’m not sure you really even care, but I’d like to look back one day to remember what she did and when and hell if I’m going to…what? Write that shit down? Like in a baby book or something? Psh.

So! She’s almost nine months old, which, exqueeze me? When did that happen? NOT OKAY.

I think the last time I updated, she had just started to sit up unassisted. She still does that and…not a whole lot else. Everyone says she’s, “So! Close! To crawling!” but, meh. Crawl, don’t crawl, Mom doesn’t care. (Actually, Mom does care. Don’t crawl LG. Stay a wee (20+ pound!) baby forever and ever.)

She also started eating solid foods around the time of the sitting up and she still does that. OH DOES SHE DO THAT. She will (and does!) eat anything. AN-Y-THING. There’s a reason she’s pushing 25 pounds and it’s not because she’s a picky little delicate flower. No daughter of mine!

She’s had green beans, peas, carrots, yams, butternut squash, bananas, apples (lovingly made with cinnamon by her dear old mom), pears, rice, oatmeal, and countless puffins, which she has become quite adept at grabbing with her thumb and index finger before taking her other hand and SHOOOOVING everything in her mouth.

She also has started holding her own bottle and feeding herself, which is basically the best thing ever. It’s sort of happened out of necessity/tough love, as she used to micro-manage her feedings, holding the bottle, then turning her head this way and that way. I finally got sick of being her puppet, so I one day I propped her up in the boppy and let her figure all that out. And because it was FOOOOOOOOOD, delicious formula nectar of the baby gods, she figured it out real quick.

She got a tooth about a month ago, which resulted in the two of us laying in bed, staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night (she has never been a fall-asleep-in-your-arms kind of kid, but apparently snuggling with me made her feel better. Moms are the best, you know) and then a couple days later her gums grew up over the tooth and it…just disappeared. Which was annoying/frustrating/weird.

Then, randomly, a couple weeks ago, I noticed her bottom two teeth had popped through and they seem to be going nowhere but up, which means steak, fish tacos, and pork chops are in her future.

She laughs all the time. All the time. Over nothing. Over everything. She starts laughing before I even have a chance to put a new suit on her in the mornings, that’s how much she looks forward to the inevitable tickling that occurs.

She says, “Blah blah blah!” and, “Dad dad dad!” and OMG, this is sounding so lame and I’m sorry, but she recently started whispering, “Dah dah dah” and it’s the cutest, her realizing she can control how loud or quiet she is. (Quiet is good, LG.)

She will not nap long enough at school; doesn’t want to miss out on the party, I assume, and starts to hyperventilate anytime she sees another kid’s bottle, even if she’s just eaten. The teachers have started to hide her elsewhere in the room, outside of view of the DELICIOUS Dr. Browns (“OMG I know him!”) bottles.

The non or brief napping results in a usually cranky baby by the time we’re all home from work and BottleWatch 2012 and it’s hard for me to not be disappointed that my quality time with her is so limited. Besides her dad and a small handful of others, she’s one of the coolest, most fun people to hang out with, so the fact that I only get maybe, maybe an hour a day with her is sad.

But then I have a day off work and we’re home together and I’m like, damn B, you’re needy ‘n shit! And speaking of shit…AGAIN? REALLY?

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10 Responses to All about LGeeeeeeee

  1. agirlandaboy says:

    Nine months?! HuWHAAAAT?!

  2. Jess says:

    LG reminds me so much of Callum. Just the way you describe her personality and everything. Not to mention on the chunk scale. Callum has her beat (28 pounds 6 ounces on Monday) but not by much! But they really seem like very similar personalities. And SO FUN.

    Also, I about fell over when you said she was 9 months. I thought she was 6 months! I am not even kidding. I FAIL. NINE MONTHS GOOD LORD.

  3. Holly says:

    Aw, what a doll.

  4. I love LG and updates about LG! She is one delicious ladybaby.

  5. Jen says:

    haha cracking up over the panic attack at seeing a bottle. THAT IS AUDREY. She is still in a Major Love Affair with her bedtime bottle (at nearly 16 months old!) and I don’t see any way we’re going to break her of it any time soon. She has a FIT when she sees it any time near bedtime and when she starts getting tired, she wanders around the kitchen, pointing up at the counters, looking for one. ‘Ba ba ba ba’. HILARIOUS.

    Hold onto your hat, lady. The fun stuff is starting 🙂 I just love 9+ months and up!!!!


  7. This update is just too much. I love it! We need an LG fix.

  8. saramcg says:

    I LOVE the update. Also so glad to hear another person feel the same way about their kid. I totally miss George when I only see him for like an hour each day during the week but then when we spend the whole weekend together I am so ready for daycare on monday. 🙂

  9. Sonja von Franck says:

    I thought our babies looked to be about the same age! I love reading back over everything I wrote down with my other two. Definitely keep up with the updates. They change so fast during this time.

  10. jimaie.marie says:

    The very last lines of this post seriously made me laugh out loud. And holy crap…9 months?! I mean, I guess it makes sense when I think about it since she’s older than Moriah and Moriah will be 6 months in a couple of weeks (DOUBLE EWE TEE EFF) but I just like to pretend my baby is still a newborn therefore LG is mere months old correct? No? Dammit.
    I used to HATE when they boys would teethe and a tooth would pop up and then go into hiding again, such TEASING!! So rude.

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