Insomniacs in the night

Scene: Three o’clock in the morning, two people are wide awake in bed

“How are you supposed to fall back asleep if you’re looking at your phone?”

“I was just thinking that. But when I get something in my head, I have to look it up…”

“…Wait, how are you supposed to fall back asleep if you’re talking to me?”

“I was just thinking that.”

“Remember when I use to be such a good sleeper?”

“Then we went and had a kid…”

“…And yet the kid is the only one actually asleep in this house.”

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5 Responses to Insomniacs in the night

  1. See, I’m the one in my bed at 3am each night wide awake, staring at the ceiling, *wishing* I had someone to talk to as both Scott and Ella audibly snore beside me. *sigh*

  2. Nana says:

    Great post!

  3. jimaie.marie says:

    omg, I hate that the first thing I do when I can’t sleep in the middle of the night now is grab my phone. And HOW do I ALWAYS have something I just neeeeeeed to look up right then? What did people do without google? So many questions!

  4. Rhi says:

    I cannot tell you how much time i spend looking at shit on my phone AFTER I’ve already put my sleeping baby back in his bed. I’ve wasted hours of sleep doing that.

  5. I could have written this one. Holy crap! The post baby insomnia sucks.

    Hoping you and Chris (and me and Jed) get some sleep soon.

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