Nothin’ lasts forever/Even cold November rain

Well hello! October just drug its little ass, didn’t it? And now here we are, in November, the beginning of my favorite time of year (THANKSGIVING! HECK YEAH!) and I’m sure now until the end of the year will go by in a second. Regardless, I’ve already started playing the Mariah Carey (Holiday) station on Pandora, so I’ll be in the damn holiday spirit for the next eight weeks.

Although it drug by, my October was busy, what with trips to Bakersfield and Austin. I feel like I went somewhere else…maybe? But I guess I didn’t.

October really was The Month Of The Internet, which started out by seeing Rhiannon (and Bill) (and BoB, sort of indirectly) at the champagnery. I don’t have a picture of that; HOWEVER, Rhiannon did get to meet Tyler Florence later that day and she didn’t even offend him or anything, unlike yours truly.

Then there was @theblathering in Austin, which was quite the whirlwind. So much so that I think I’m still catching up on the sleep I missed that weekend. I think – and this is being generous – I got maybe, MAYBE six hours of sleep the entire weekend. Maybe.

Anyway, here’s a picture of some of us ladies in Austin. (I stole this picture from Elisabeth.)

Miss Vanity (me) chose this because her hair and boobs look good. Neither of these things happen often, what can I say?

Then last weekend I got to see MORE Internet ladies (and Peppa) for brunch in Sacramento. (Picture stolen from Amy. I can’t be taking my own pictures these days, clearly.)

Check out how cute LG and Peppa are going to look together when they’re older. Luckily they won’t be able to kiss because those four giant cheeks will totally get in the way. Giant Cheeks: Messing up Game Since 2011

Then there was Halloween, a holiday which I’m not into too much, and neither is Chris, so we spent our evening hunkered down in the dark, drinking wine, and eating Reece’s Pumpkins.

Halloween 2011
She’s all skin and bones, hardy har har!

October also marked the month LG could start sitting up (albiet wobbily-y) on her own, as evidenced here:

Sitting up like grown ladies do.

And eating solid (and I use the word “solid” – quite literally – very loosely, as it’s just a bunch of pureed ickiness) food:

Hot mess

I feel like I can’t just leave you with that gross picture of my kid, so here’s one of the two of us, dressed up all nice and fancy for Napa:

The two of us
If fancy means the leggings that don’t have the hole in the butt, that is

Oh, okay, FINE. One more of the little turd-monster:

Turns on the charm if, and only if, I move the camera out of my face so she can see me making ridiculous faces at her. So high maintenance, this one

Happy Thursday, best day of the week!

This entry was posted in Chris, Food & Wine, LG, Travel. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Nothin’ lasts forever/Even cold November rain

  1. Rhi says:

    I’ll send you a picture of us at the champagnery! Also: she looks very, very concerned by the solid foods.

  2. Jesabes says:

    There’s so much cuteness in this post I could barely concentrate on the words!

  3. You are so lovely and your baby is so adorable!

  4. Raven says:


    Lady baby is adorable as always!

  5. LG & Peppa are, together, the fattest babies ever. I LOVE ITTTTT. Also, I like the name Peppa. Also, you’re a bitchin’ hot wife. Errrr.

  6. natalie says:

    She’s sooooooooo cute! It was great to meet you. I’m so glad you made the trip to Austin, even if it was only for a few hours! I hope Peppa and LG get married one day, what a story that would be!

  7. Hillary says:

    Oh my HELL! The Bumbo photo is basically the cutest baby picture I have ever seen (of any baby! Ever!) You win at making cute babies πŸ™‚

  8. Jen says:

    First: Love the post title πŸ™‚ Also: your baby is so freaking cute. I love her cheeks!!! gah! Also also: we call our kids the Turd Monsters too! ha

  9. REESE’S PUMPKINS. Another holiday treat I missed from not being in the USofA! (Also, completely random, but are you and Chris taking LG to Tahoe at all this winter? Because I think I’ll be there from Jan. 18-22.)

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