We’ll always have the Internet

I went away (alone! without my baby!) to Austin this past weekend to meet some of my Internet besties.

Normally before a trip, I plan! plan! plan!

How am I getting from the airport to the hotel?

How am I checking into the hotel?

I need to buy a new outfit and new shoes!

And most importantly, jewelry! What accessories should I pack OMG now I need to buy something new again!

This trip was not like this. I sat in the airport bar before my flight, reading the newest issue of Better Homes & Gardens, drinking my Ramona-approved Pinot Grigio, knowing that on the other side, someone(s) would pick me up from the airport.

And someone(s) did.

I knew I’d have a place to stay, thanks to people who plan much more in advance than I do and who let me crash in their room.

I didn’t have to buy any new clothes, because, well, there was no time and money, but more importantly because when you have the awesome personal stylists I have, they tell you that what you already have is perfect. And they don’t lie.

And speaking of those personal stylists, I didn’t have to buy any new jewelry, either, because when you room next to them, you just have to show up at their door and ask, “Okay, what am I wearing?” (i.e.: What am I stealing from you for the night?)

The thing about meeting your Internet friends, awesome as it is, is that the time spent is always much, much too short. Brunch is never long enough. A dinner is never long enough. And, it turns out, a weekend (or in my case, less than 36 hours OMG I AM STILL SO TIRED) isn’t long enough either.

But lucky for us, because we already know so much about one another, we can totally cut the getting-to-know-you bullshit and dive right into the real-life stuff.

And even though we only see each other once a year, we have the Internet to keep us in touch (daily, hourly) until the next time.

Until next time, LADIES!

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5 Responses to We’ll always have the Internet

  1. Raven says:

    Love you long time!!

  2. Julie says:

    You are awesome. That is all.

  3. Christina says:

    I love you- Im SO glad that Queen Caren decided to go to NY so you could be there.

  4. Alisa says:

    So fun! I don’t think i have any internet besties. Ho hum. one day.

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