She get it from her papa

When I was a baby, I looked exactly like my mom. You could take a picture of her at one year old and compare it to a picture of me at one year old and it’s like we’re the same person. I sort of assumed this would how it would be with LG. She’d pop out looking like a Mini Me, naturally, right?

Well. She popped out and looked…Like neither of us, really. She certainly didn’t look a thing like me and didn’t really seem to look like Chris, either. Or so I thought.

Then I received some baby pictures of Chris from his grandma and HOLY SHIT:
LG v. C

Twins. These two are TWINS.

Chris doesn’t see the resemblance (how he doesn’t is beyond me) but to me it’s crystal clear. She get it from her papa, FOR SURE.

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4 Responses to She get it from her papa

  1. Rhi says:

    So cute. Bill’s mom has been bringing over a ton of pictures of Bill and his twin when they were newborns and I HOPE our baby is that cute.

  2. Wow – there is SUCH a strong resemblance! How fun!

    Also, SO CUTE.

  3. You know the old tale of all babies look like their papas when they are born, so the papas know to stick around. (If they didn’t, then they’d know they weren’t theirs and have free range to leave.)

    I don’t even look like myself as a baby (now) as I told you, so there is still hope for me and my three mini-jacks. šŸ™‚

  4. wishcake says:

    Awww! So presh! I kind of love it when baby girls look like their dads. I’m already banking on my daughter being a replica of Jay (so much for a mini-me!).

    It will be so fun to see how much of you she takes on as she gets older, though!

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