A couple more movies that aren’t that bad

I have some more movies that aren’t that bad to add to my list from yesterday. When I wrote that post, I knew there were a few movies I was missing, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember which ones, so I assumed they were just gone forever, along with most of my brain cells, THANKS FOR NOTHING, CHILD. However, at 4:00 AM this morning, they came back to me, and so here you go: Two more movies that don’t suck.

The Runaways
This is the Joan Jett biopic starring Kristen Stewart who I generally can’t stand (she’s like a younger, female version of Bill Paxton, am I right? Very. Mono. Tone.) Oddly – luckily – though, the movie isn’t about Joan Jett as much as it’s about Cherie Currie, who is played by Dakota Fanning. I appreciate the casting here…You know, casting someone who’s actually 16 to play a 16 year old. What an idea.

Anyway, it was interesting to see where these girls started from and (some of) their eventual demise and where they are now. Plus, it has good music and it’s only 106 minutes long, so you know I love that.

Hot Tub Time Machine
The DVD cover said this movie was funnier than The Hangover. Uhh, no. It’s not. BUT! It was still funny, if only because of the ’80s costumes. See, it’s about a group of friends who travel back to their old party cabin and through the power of movie magic, get transported back in time to their ’80s-selves. Blah blah, hijinks ensue as they try to make it back to 2010, blah blah.

Anyway, it’s got John Cusack (who plays no Rob Gordon, but I don’t think he’ll ever surpass that as his best role) and Chevy Chase and a totally creepy Crispin Glover, who I think they cast purely because he was in one of the best ’80s movies ever.

So there you have it! Two more movies that don’t totally suck. Go forth and watch, if you want. Or don’t, because they weren’t that good.

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6 Responses to A couple more movies that aren’t that bad

  1. Kristen says:

    I fully expected to hate Hot Tub Time Machine with a fiery passion, and, instead, I laughed until I cried. I think part of it was that I went in with such low expectations, but it was really not a bad movie AT ALL, despite the ridiculous premise. Because, dude, a hot tub that’s a time machine? No way.

  2. barbetti says:

    I guess it’s not cool to like Hot Tub Time Machine, but I totally enjoyed it more than I’d anticipated. And, in all honesty? I didn’t think the Hangover was as funny as everyone else did. Still funny! But I guess I expected more.

  3. YES re: Bill Paxton and KStew. It never really hit me before, but I hate the two of them equally (yet still watch Big Love and the Twilight sagas). The Runaways is on my Netflix list; excited to finally make it to that one (my queue grows faster than it shrinks).

  4. Raven says:

    I totally dug The Runaways even though I can’t stand Kristen Stewart.

    Didn’t (and prob won’t) watch HTTM because I love Rob Gordon too much to see him squandered. Although, Grosse Pointe Blank is a tie with High Fidelity for me.

  5. hillary says:

    Hot Tub Time Machine gave me one of my all-time favourite movie quotes: “What the effing fuck?”

  6. natalie says:

    I had to turn Hot Tub Time Machine off after about 20 minutes. Bleh. Cusack looked so old, poor dear.

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