I’ve always said he was useful

Chris turned this*:
Dresser/changing table - Before

Into THIS:
Dresser/changing table - After

And now our kid has a place to get her bum cleaned. By me. I’ll be cleaning her bum. One of us has drawn the short stick here. (Think I can train her to clean my bum instead? Didn’t think so.)

*This was Chris’s baby changing table. He used it as a dresser from childhood up until we bought adult furniture about a year ago.

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7 Responses to I’ve always said he was useful

  1. Mama Bub says:

    Perfect! And, it doesn’t scream bum cleaning station.

  2. That looks so beautiful! And I LOVE that it belonged to Chris.

  3. CBHL says:

    That’s awesome! Love the contemporary hardware! What a lucky little baby girl!

  4. queencaren says:

    Nicely done CW! It’s lovely. I too LOVE that it belonged to Chris.

  5. Melisa says:

    Hey Christopher, really nice job. Thanks for keeping it for so long and making it useful again. Sentimental, but oh well.

  6. Jenn says:

    Nice! So great that he was able to do that. Now you have a sentimental piece! Love that!

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