The things that thrill me now…

My garden is growing like you I wouldn’t believe. Unfortunately, my tomatoes routinely get attacked by a group of five ASSHOLE birds, which means that Chris is constantly on Bird Watch 2010. Sadly, during a totally sober (hah) night a couple weeks ago, we had target practice in the backyard, thus depleting the CO2 supply in Chris’s pellet gun (that’s kind of like a BB gun for those of you who don’t know…Because I didn’t.) Now we’ve taken to just running outside, arms flailing, when the birds descend on my tomato plants. (And for those playing along, yes, in addition to growing a garden by day, we’re also continuing to terrorize our neighbors by night. People love us.)

More crappy iPhone pictures of my garden can be found here.
Anaheim peppersGarden - Look how it's grown!Tomatoes

We finally have a big kid room, complete with a Cal King bed and matching bedroom furniture. There’s also a (new! awesome!) paint-job, the idea for which got implanted into my brain by the evil geniuses at the DIY Network. Luckily, Chris was quite handy with the laser-level and I was surprisingly dexterous with the blue painting tape, so the paint-job – which looks like it could have resulted in much hair-pulling and expletive-shouting – went quite smoothly. I highly recommend stripes!
New bedroom New bedroom

We also got all our entire upstairs and a portion of our downstairs flooring re-done. The fact that I now have laminate flooring, not carpet, on my stairs (!) thrills me to no end. If you had asked me 10 years ago what I was excited about, it might have been a day off school or a keg party that night for which I had an alcohol hook-up, meaning I would get to drink a bottle of Boone’s instead of crappy keg beer. It would not have been laminate flooring. Alas, things change. (For the better, obviously. If I were still drinking Boone’s Farm, I’d fully expect you all to come over and stage an intervention. A Bad “Wine” Intervention”.)
New stairs New hallway

And sadly, these are things that are thrilling me these days. Gardening! Home renovations! I am so exciting!

What about you? What’s absolutely thrilling you this summer?

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4 Responses to The things that thrill me now…

  1. I am in the same boat as you. The most domestic of things make me giddy!

  2. Kerri Anne says:

    Are there birds that aren’t assholes? I’m voting no.

    Summer thrills:

    -THE BEACH. This one, in particular:
    -GETTING TO SEE MY SISTER. She’s home from Korea in August.
    -RIVER RAFTING. For Rhi’s bachelorette party. I can’t wait!
    -WEDDING EXTRAVAGANZAS. See above, and a cousin’s wedding, too.
    -DANCE DANCE PARTY PARTY. And the fact that I get to see Step Up 3D the first week of August.

  3. Yay for laminate flooring! Looks great! And congrats on your new bedroom set! So exciting! I think the stripes look awesome!

  4. jimaie.marie says:

    dude! your garden excites ME!! It looks so pretty! And you have tomatoes!! You are awesome. I can’t believe the friggin birds attacked your garden! wtf. GO AWAY BIRDS.
    You’re bedroom looks so good! I’m seriously impressed with your grown up furniture and the stripes look really good! Want to come down to Fresno and help a girl out??

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