The dishes are DONE, man!

I’ve been summoned by my lovely aunt, the always-tres-cool Rachel in the OC, to answer a few questions! I love answering questions and talking about myself in general, so here goes!

1) What movie will you not turn off whenever it comes on?
This could be a loooooong list, but I’ll try to break it down to the essentials: “Clueless,” “The Family Man,” “French Kiss,” “The American President,” “Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead,” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”

2) How old were you when you got (or gave) your first kiss?
I believe I gave (hey-oh!), and I was 14; the magic happened immediately following our junior-high graduation dance.

(Now let’s fast-forward 12 years…We’re in Washington, D.C….In the office of a member of Congress…I see the dude…Who works for the congressman…Aaaaand I ignore him. Oooh! Burn!)

3) What movie star is your dream date?
I’m honestly not sure I’d like to date a movie star, but I’d totally – pardon my French – bone Denis Leary.

4) What food will you absolutely not eat under any circumstances (and why)?
Mayo. It’s grody.

“How can you eat a sandwich with no mayo?” you might ask (they always ask.) “Isn’t it so dry?”

No! I use mustard! Or oil and/or vinegar! Or both/all three!

“What about potato salad? How can you have potato salad without mayo?”

I use sour cream!

Trust me, I have no use for mayo.

5) How many hours of TV do you watch each week?
Not enough. Seriously, I think TV is where it’s at and I only wish I had the time to watch more!

6) Do you get your five servings of fruits and vegetables every day?
Does wine count as fruit? What about champagne? Grapes, right? Grapes!

7) What is the first rule of Fight Club?
We Don’t Take No SHIT From Anyone!
We Don’t Take No Prisoners!
We Don’t Take No For An Answer!

We Don’t Talk About Fight Club.

8 ) Did you really like the Dennis Hopper (RIP, dude) movie “Blue Velvet?”
A) Dennis Hopper died? and B) What’s “Blue Velvet”?

9) Do you read the last page of a book to see how it ends?
No! I’m not like Harry Burns from “When Harry Met Sally”!

*Adding “When Harry Met Sally” to the list of movies I’d never turn off*

10) What is Joey from “Friends” signature phrase? Bonus: What is the name of their coffee shop?
Sistah, puhleeze!

“How you doin’?” and Central Perk.

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6 Responses to The dishes are DONE, man!

  1. ur aunt rach says:

    You’re so adorable, niecey. :))

    xoxo tres aunt

  2. Kerri Anne says:

    I think I just decided that you are my internet soul mate. Because a huge ditto on Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead, and your answer to question number 7? Is my all-time favorite cinematic verbal exchange, EVER. I quote it ALL THE TIME. And most of the time no one has any idea what I’m talking about, and then I have to try to explain it and the moment is RUINED.

  3. Jenn says:

    OMG! I hate mayo too! People think it’s so weird. I also hate mustard, guacomole, and sour cream so maybe I am weird but mayo takes the cake for disgusting-ness.
    Oh, and wine totally counts as a serving of fruit. And I think vodka counts as a veggie because isn’t it made from potatos or something???

  4. Raven says:

    If you have been spared Blue Velvet, please don’t ever watch it.

    Also, you know I can throw down with the quotes on Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead, love it!

  5. megabrooke says:

    i love that you mentioned don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead! “i’m right on top of that rose!”

  6. akymbo says:

    I almost yelled at you for not including “WHMS” on that list. Then I got to the end. : )

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