Five things

Hillary tagged me to write five things! Here are five things!

1. Tonight I start Improv 201. I’m not even done with 101 yet (but will be this week), but another 201 class wasn’t starting until January and I didn’t want to get rusty and they were offering a deal, so boom: 201.

2. Chris and I spent my lunch hour today first eating In ‘N Out in his Jeep in a Costco parking lot (only the best!) and then power Christmas shopping. We got LG a bunch of gifts, now hidden away in the garage, and also a 7.5’ pre-lit tree, which better be worth it, because WOOF.

3. I need to make something for a work potluck on Wednesday. As the organizer of the potluck, I let everyone else sign up first, which naturally means all that’s left is dessert and ugh, I am not a baker. I sometimes get the urge to bake and what I make usually turns out okay, but I don’t have any go-to recipes. Do you? Something without pumpkin because pumpkin is gross. (For a moment at Costco, I contemplated buying something pre-made, but my coworkers go ALL OUT for these potlucks, so I can’t go that route. Someone’s bringing a soufflĂ©, for god’s sake.)

4. We’ve been watching this Foo Fighters special (Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways) on HBO the past few weeks and boy is it great. They travel to a different city each week and interview various industry people (producers, music studio heads, sound engineers, artists, DJs; all famous or famous in their circle) and then at the end, they write and perform a song inspired by their visit. It’s insane. Dave Grohl just keeps getting better with age.

5. Look at the holiday gift guide and holiday decor guide my friend Caitlin put together! Great job! I want one of everything.

This entry was posted in All About Moi, Book, Movies, TV, & Music, Holidays, Improv. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Five things

  1. mona says:

    IMPROVVVVV! I’m so happy you’re doing that, funny lady.

  2. Caitlin says:

    Eating In-n-Out and going to Costco is one of the most perfect afternoons there can be. Add in Christmas shopping and DREEEEAAAAAMSSSSSS come truuuuue.

    I always forget about Dave Grohl until someone mentions him and then I’m like OH YEAH, he’s so great.

    Thanks for linking! I wish I could buy you one of everything on each list!

  3. K says:

    When do we get to see videos of you doing improv? I would really like to see that.

    Is the Foo Fighters HBO show the one where they go to Nashville? I saw that episode last week I think, and it looked very cool.

  4. Holly says:

    Ok, well obviously my timing sucks but WHAT DID YOU MAKE FOR YOUR POTLUCK? This made me tense like an episode of Top Chef and I didn’t want you to get kicked off because your assignment was dessert.

    My mom was so ant pre-lit Christmas trees the whole time I was growing up and she bought one about 5 years ago, begrudgingly, and was instantly like: PRE LIT 4 EVA; NEVER GOING BACK!

    So: Jealous.

  5. K says:

    I can’t think of Dave Grohl without thinking of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

    I think Dave Grohl and Triumph were at a music awards show years ago and they were introducing the next act and Triumph said something like, “Look at Dave. He’s just out there fighting the Foo.” Sometimes T and I say that to one another because we can’t have adult discussions like everyone else.

  6. OK, improv makes sense for you as you’re hilarious (and gorgeous) and I would totally pay to watch you bust a joke or two onstage.

    But me? The thought of taking such a class just gave me hives!!!! #publicspeakingfearforeverandever

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