New LG stuff for posterity, etc.

– LG got a bunch of new shirts for Hanukkah and they all have glitter on them and now there’s glitter all over my (new!) linen couch and it’s very festive.

– Speaking of festive and couches, she keeps talking about the “Chwis’mas twee wights!” and “new couch!” and sometimes I hear her mumbling to herself, “No touch the twee.”

– Her memory is really what’s getting me these days. LG can remember a lot (like us telling her not to touch the tree, evidently). Just a few weeks ago, I’d ask what she ate at school and she’d just name random foods, but recently she’s been naming actual foods that she did eat. This is certainly causing me to be much more…aware…of what I say aloud. Like the F word.

– The other night, Chris’s stomach growled and LG asked if it was his “tummy farting?”

– Every Sunday, I go to yoga and LG asks me, “You go to the yoga?!” One day Chris asked me if I sling something over my shoulder when I go to yoga (I do; my mat) because apparently after I left, LG took her drum set, slung it over her shoulder, and announced she was going to (the) yoga.

– She also once asked me when I got home from yoga if I had been swimming…It’s a hot room, okay?

– We threw my grandma a birthday party the Sunday before Thanksgiving and we had chips out for pre-lunch snacking and I don’t really know how many LG ate (I assume a lot), but we rarely keep chips in the house (because I will eat a lot), so it was quite the treat. When we got to my grandma’s house on Thanksgiving day, the first thing LG asked for was chips. I think she associates chips as only being allowed at parties! Poor thing, what a sad upbringing she’s having.

– I bought a bunch of La Croix sparkling water because Target always has the 8-packs for $3 and I can drink those things day in and day out, but I made the mistake of giving LG a sip and now she wants all my “sparky water.” To quote parents everywhere, this is why I can’t have nice things.

– I burned my hand on the oven and LG asked about the scar: “You got a owie, you fall down?” I explained that I burned it on the oven (hot! hot!) and that’s why we don’t touch the oven, *blah blah parenting shit blah*, but how cute is it that she associates injuries with simply falling down? So pure.

– LG has been protesting naps recently. It’s very hit or miss. Sometimes she’ll go down easily, sometimes she’ll go down but only if we put pjs on her first, sometimes she’ll just sit upstairs and “pway my woom.” One day I thought if I pretended to be asleep, maybe she’d sleep, except I actually did fall asleep and when I woke up to see if she was in her bed, I found this at the foot of mine:

\"I\'m reading a book.\" Mkay.
When I showed her the picture later and asked what she was doing, she said, “I reading a book!” Yeah, sure.

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6 Responses to New LG stuff for posterity, etc.

  1. Emily says:

    oh man. You are really making a case for toddlers. Can they just come at this age already?

  2. Holly says:

    I LOOOOOOOOOVE YOU LG! Jesus, she is a kick! That just brightened my day a little bit.

  3. That photo. I cannot even. Your child is the greatest.

  4. A picture really is worth “a thousand words.”

  5. K says:

    I would like that picture made into a print for my office door as it is generally how I feel about working.

    Also, chips? Chips always make a party. OH! Have you ever given LG some dip? Dude. It would probably blow her mind.

  6. Erin says:

    Haaaaa I love her. Two is so very entertaining. That photo killlllllllls me.

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