Monday happenings

I am feeling SO much better after the antibiotics two weeks ago. I can taste food again, which is wonderful, because pretzels and wine for dinner isn’t the most healthy and also there are tomatoes in my yard that need eating. I seriously was starting to wonder if I’d even get to taste any of my tomatoes this season, but the other night while waiting for pork chops to cook, I ate about 30 cherry tomatoes, so yeah, my sense of taste is back, PRAISE GOD.

Other that, it’s same old, same old over here. My computer is still broken, so I’m typing this from my phone. That’s about as lame as it sounds. I have some cute pictures to share (including an orangutan legit SMILING AT ME), but nowhere to put them, so hey, come over and I’ll show you the back of my camera.


The other day, for the first time in my life, I bought Brown Black mascara and I am so disappointed in myself. Rookie mistake. Who doesn’t check the color, am I right? I am a Very Black gal through and through, so it’s all very weird for me when I go to put my mascara on. That said, I am enjoying the mascara itself. It’s L’Oreal Voluminous, which I’m sure I’ve tried at some point in the last 15 years, but they gave it a new brush that’s really similar to the brush on Benefit’s They’re Real. And it cost like $7 and I got it at Target, so: Winner.

I read Brandi Glanville’s book Saturday afternoon and I highly recommend. She keeps it real and LeAnn seems awful and it’s all around good fun. Except the part about vaginal rejuvenation surgery, obviously. I did especially like the part where she tells her kids they’re flying Southwest up to Sacramento, not a private plane. Holla!

Two or three years ago, I got a peach tree from work and I planted it thinking nothing would happen, but it’s producing peaches this year and they’re delicious and I’m very excited. Now I just need a banana tree and LG will be set for LIFE.

This entry was posted in All About Moi, Beauty & Fashion, Book, Movies, TV, & Music, Food & Wine, LG, Mediocre Homes & Gardens. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Monday happenings

  1. Sara says:

    I am glad that you are feeling better, its amazing how that will change everything.

    I think if I could get an avocado tree and a lime and lemon tree my life would be damn near perfect. Congrats on the peach tree, that is awesome.

  2. Holly says:


    Well it’s settled the. We at DEFINITELY moving in. πŸ˜‰

  3. queencaren says:

    If you want to share some tomatoes we will happily take some off of your hands if you have enough to spare. πŸ™‚

    Peach Farmer Poppa will be saddened and happy to read about your very own Peach Tree. His is PRODUCING. Holly – if you want some really delicious peaches, come and get em!

    Black Brown mascara – ick.

    Such a big girl dewing it with her shoes. I love her. πŸ™‚

  4. mona says:

    I have to pick up that mascara if it’s just like Benefit (and make sure it’s the blackest black) because I loved the birthday sampler I got from Sephora.

    And I do love Brandi and I can’t wait until I’m next in line to check it out from the library. I have this thing for books written by Bravo celebs. I read Kendra’s second book and it was soooo boring.

  5. “I am a Very Black gal through and through.” Snorrrrt.

  6. Kristen says:

    I love Voluminous, and as I think you know, I, too, am a Very Black mascara gal. Last time I accidentally bought something that ways, like, BEYOND Very Black (or Blackest Black, or whatever), and … it might be too black. Or thick. Or … I swear I’m still talking about mascara. But anyway, watch for that.

  7. K says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed Brandi’s book. Although, that surgery sounds INTENSE and I’m not sure any hoo-ha is worth the pain and effort. Also, how much did you love that her mom wrote parts of that section because Brandi was out of it due to meds and the surgery.

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