10-minute body weight workout

I mentioned my April fitness plan was to try to do a combination of cardio (running mostly) and weight-lifting, as I’ve never been able to keep up a good balance of the two in the past. We’re over halfway through the month and I’m about equal on the days I’ve done cardio and weight-lifting or just weight-lifting. I still use the Nike Training Club App — although the updated version required me to create a username and password and ugh, I hate that (but, I haven’t received any spam emails from them yet, and the app was free, so whatever) — but one of my new favorite post-run quick workouts is a body weight workout my friend got from her personal trainer.

I’ve been given the super-coveted clearance to post the workout here, so I thought I’d share it with you! If you’re looking for a little something something to supplement your run or walk, I highly recommend this workout. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete, but I must warn you: It is hard, yo.

15 burpees (UGH)

15 sit-ups — with legs straight and taking 3 seconds to lie back down

15×3 push-ups — 3 push-ups and then a sort of “hop” push-up (kind of like a clap push-up but without the clap)

15 bicycle crunches (on each side, so 30 total)

30 seconds holding yoga push-up position

15 side crunches (on each side, 30 total) — start in that sort of yoga twist position (knees bent and turned to one side) and make sure your shoulders are touching the ground before each crunch

45 seconds on each leg, holding a split squat — keep your body upright and put one leg back like you’re going to go into a lunge, but hover the leg in the air for 45 seconds; switch and hold on the other side

15 burpees (arguably the worst part of this entire thing UGH I HATE BURPEES)

And that’s that! I’ve been trying to do this after every run and I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my arms. Like I said, it’s hard, but it’s only 10 minutes, so it’s easy to talk myself into. Happy push-up-ing!

From my first run after a month-long hiatus. IT’S GOOD TO BE BACK.

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One Response to 10-minute body weight workout

  1. akymbo says:

    Other awesome things my trainer has added into my workout: side plank and sit-ups on the yoga ball (with small weights if you have ’em).

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