Let’s talk about how awkward story-time is (and some other stuff)

– Yesterday I took LG to story-time at the local library and got my first library card in probably 20 years. (Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but definitely not a big one. I only used the library in college for napping (those chairs were comfy, yo) and I think before that, I hadn’t taken advantage of a public library since elementary school.)

So, anyway, we went to the library and perused the fiction stacks (only Flynn [comma] Vince, no Flynn [comma] Gillian that I could find, but I just figured out how to reserve books online, so I’m number 46 in the queue for Dark Places, woo) and then we wandered back to the kids’ section and settled in for story-time, where a very animated gentleman sang some songs and read some stories and played with puppets and LG and I sat there looking at each other like, “Are you for reals, dude?” No, actually, it was fun (well, fun-ish, you know what I mean) and a fine way to waste an hour (I’m including drive time here) and I think we’ll go back, and probably even sometime before my copy of Dark Places is ready to be picked up.

One more thing about story-time, then UGH, I’ll shut up about it. There were some moms there who got really into the singing and the dancing portions and yeah, okay, I sang along to the ABCs and whatnot, and I raised my hands to “tickle the sky,” but some of these people were just getting into it. Like, they were actually enjoying themselves and I think that’s great (NO REALLY), but it is just so not ME. As I said, LG and I participated enough, but I think we both know the sky is not ticklish, you know?

– Chris and I started a team for the MS 5K we’re running at the end of the month and here’s the part where I shamelessly ask you to donate some CASH MONEY to the cause. If you can’t, I get it, and I’ll only hold it against you a little bit (kidding!) (is she?) Anyway, here is the information if you’re so inclined to donate to Team Unity! (If you click that link, you’ll get to see a throwback picture of LG and also note that Chris and I are wearing our matching Drinking Team t-shirts from a pub crawl we attended in San Diego years ago. CLASSY.)

– I planted my tomatoes this past weekend, so naturally the winds have been horrific the past two days and the plants are looking SUPER sad. Ugh, I am just throwing up hopes and prayers that they survive and thrive, but things are looking dire. Also, this was the year that I decided I wasn’t going to keep trying to make, like, corn or beets or carrots happen and just grow what I know I’m good at growing (summer squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers), so if nothing makes it this year, I will be devastated. (I have garden worry, can you tell?)

– The other night we ran the sprinklers for the first time this season and I figured LG would get near them and then back off, but instead she ran right into them and got totally soaked and just loved it. That sort of thing isn’t really my bag, but I must say, I admire her spontaneity.

– Chris’s best friend Chris (and his wife) are coming to visit this weekend and we are going to go to an amusement park and it should be a good time. I don’t have a fear of roller coasters or anything, but they are not my most favorite thing in the world, so I’m kind of looking forward to riding some kiddie rides with LG, or just strollering her around while I drink a beer and everyone else rides roller coasters. That sounds sort of lame, doesn’t it? I will ride some rides (anything that corkscrews I like, go figure), but the weather is supposed to be in the mid-70s, so I am just really looking forward to working on my tan. And drinking beer.

– It’s Wednesday, can I get an AMEN.

This entry was posted in All About Moi, Book, Movies, TV, & Music, Chris, Family, LG, Mediocre Homes & Gardens. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Let’s talk about how awkward story-time is (and some other stuff)

  1. A'Dell says:

    Yes to the weird storytime moms. YES. I have those here too!

    I am not that kind of mom. In fact, there are some women that I think would make good friends for me but they are just SO! INTO! their kids and THEIR good time that I literally cannot get more than two sentences out of my mouth at a time before the mom is all over her kid and encouraging him to Do This! Or That! and I’m like JUST LET HIM BE SO I CAN GET TO KNOW YOUUUUUU.

    Seriously, I have spent hours with some women and not gotten much more out of them than what’s for dinner tonight, because they are so over involved with their own child when there is PLENTY of quality entertainment right in front of him. TALK TO MEEEE.

    I am just not a hover/helicopter mom. She can be the kid and I will be the adult.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    1. Which amusement park do you go to? That sounds fun.
    2. I effing hate toddler sing a long, and I get super creeped out by the Mommy Fan Girls. Aughhhh it’s SO weird.
    3. Today in Trader Joe’s, some random TJ’s work said hi to us, and as he walked away, Katie pointed at him and said, loudly, “That’s a BAD man!” I immediately thought of you, felt you would have been very proud.

  3. K says:

    I’m pleased you have a library card. Probably more pleased than is entirely appropriate.

    P.S. I am for real wearing a cardigan today.

  4. My mom is a children’s librarian. I’m considering sending this to her. 🙂

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