
– When LG wants me to sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider, she twists her thumbs and forefingers together, tilts her head to the side, and says, “It’s spy? It’s spy?” I dare you not to sing to her after that.

– The Real Housewives of Orange County is back and I am thrilled. Every year I think maybe it’ll be the year that Jim sees what a douche he is and decides to work on his issues and change, but nope, I don’t think that’s going to happen this year. Meanwhile, Alexis’s hair looks fab and the new housewife seems awful. Perfect.

– I am back to running after a month-long hiatus in March. I went out for my first run on Monday and was pretty surprised that I was able to run (mostly) three miles at a pretty decent pace. I guess those Nike app workouts I did all of March helped my endurance. In April, I am going to try to keep up the strength-training, as well as the running. I’ve had zero success doing this in the past, but I hope I can keep it up for one measly month.

– LG turns two in 17 days. (And that is all I have to say about that, because EXQUEEZE ME? No.)

– Awhile back, I ran out of my M.A.C. eyeshadow base color (Shroom) and I thought I’d try a drugstore brand, because everyone is always having success with drugstore brands, so I bought one by L’Oreal and it sucked. I begrudgingly used it for awhile, but then I found myself at a M.A.C. counter last month (there’s not one close to my town and I refuse to buy online because they don’t ever offer free shipping, even though I always buy at least $50 worth of product that probably weighs all of 10oz. and really? You’re still going to charge me to ship it?) and I ran back into the arms of Shroom and it was wonderful.

– I am still enjoying watching The Following (aka: The Kevin Bacon Show) and The Americans (no aka for that one, but I should come up with something…aka: The Commie Hour, how about that?) and Nashville must’ve heard my plea because they’re finally back (and including a guest star who is also on The Commie Hour, go figure.)

That’s all I got today. What’s going on with you?

This entry was posted in All About Moi, Beauty & Fashion, Book, Movies, TV, & Music, LG, Workin on my fitness. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Randoms

  1. Angella says:

    I use Shroom, too! And only wear MAC because nothing else is as good.

    If you sign up for their newsletter, each one has a free shipping code, and every once in awhile it’s one for express shipping. The closest MAC to me is an hour away, so it comes in handy.


  2. “I ran back into the arms of Shroom and it was wonderful.” HAA. I love this.

    I want to run AND do other stuff, but I always suck at juggling the two.

  3. Joy V. says:

    Hi Sarah!

    I believe that Nordstrom sells MAC and they have ‘free shipping, free returns, all the time’ so you could try that?

    I Love RHOC too 🙂

  4. K says:

    Jim is…I don’t even know. I just find him really, really icky. But Alexis’ hair looks FABULOUS. I love it.

    The OC ladies are perhaps my most favorite.

  5. MMW says:

    Yes, Nordstrom sells MAC, and they have free shipping! If you use ebates.com to get to the Nordstrom site, you can get additional $$ back.

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