Free exhaustion, come and get it!

It seems like it’s popular opinion that you shouldn’t complain about being tired to someone with kids. I’m sure I’ve seen it on Facebook and I know I’ve had people tell me, “Oh, I shouldn’t complain about that to you — you have a kid!”

But, well, no. Everyone is allowed to be tired. There is enough tiredness to go around and if you want to complain about it, go right on ahead. I hear ya. I hate being tired, man, and my being tired isn’t solely because of LG. I was exhausted much of the time before she came along and I’ll probably continue to be tired long after she moves out.

Everyone’s got their own shit going on, whether it’s kids who wake you up in the middle of the night or insomnia that wakes you up in the middle of the night or you’re wrangling kids all day long or you’ve just traveled to a different time zone for work. It’s all tired-inducing.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but saying that people without kids can’t complain about being tired or don’t “know” real tiredness? That’s bullshit. If you’re tired, you’re tired, so feel free to tell me about it and I’ll commiserate and buy you a cup of coffee.

*The birds outside my window, not LG, woke me up this morning, which got me thinking about why people say obnoxious things like this. This is your brain, this is your brain at 5:45am, etc.

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3 Responses to Free exhaustion, come and get it!

  1. Kori says:

    I am definitely guilty of feeling like I shouldn’t complain because I don’t have the childrens. Nonetheless, I think you’re right – there’s always SOMETHING to be tired about.

    I rest assured knowing that we’re all really damn tired. I personally slept like shit last night, so this is ringing really true for me right now.

  2. queencaren says:

    Fucking birds

  3. K says:

    There is more than enough tired for everyone, for pete’s sake. No one needs to get uppity.

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