
Totally jacking the idea for this post from Holly. It’s like quick takes but BETTER because there’s a theme. And that theme is food, TV, movies, and books. Can’t beat it.

Roast Chicken Breasts with Garbanzo Beans, Tomatoes, and Paprika
I got this recipe after someone randomly linked to it on Twitter a long time ago and it’s become a staple here. We’ve made it with and without the yogurt sauce and it’s great either way. (I have also used leftover yogurt sauce as salad dressing the next day and it’s delicious.) I am forever trying to church up chicken breasts and this recipe does that, plus it’s easy and healthy and the other night my chicken was a little frozen and it still turned out great. Also, FYI, I add sliced onions to the pan because what’s better than crispy, caramelized onions? (Answer: Nothing.)

…TV Show
I mentioned I was excited to see The Americans and (I know you’ve all been waiting for my assessment) I have been watching it and enjoying it. It’s not very believably ’80s (in the same way Dirty Dancing is so not believably set in the ’60s), but I think when you have attractive characters, it can be hard to ugly them up with big hair and blue eyeshadow (although I’ll have you know my mom rocked that shit.) Anyway, I like that they’re unveiling smaller details and flashbacks in each episode, rather than huge things (which is what Homeland does and what I was sort of worried this show (or other new shows) would try to do. That method works for Homeland, but I am not sure it would work in another series.)

I am sooooooooo not a good movie person. I don’t really like going to the movies (not like I ever really have an opportunity, either) and it takes a lot of convincing to get me to sit down and watch a movie at home. I like TV shows for being short and sweet — movies are long and I’ll probably fall asleep and god, what kind of whatever is Denzel going to save this time?, but I did recently sit through all 10 hours of The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and I’m sort of itching to watch them all again. Also, I have since noticed so many references that people make to LOTR in some way and, being the queen of references, I am sort of embarrassed over all the LOTR references I probably missed throughout the years. If you’re like me and haven’t watched these movies (10 HOURS, I totally get it), then I recommend sitting down over the course of many days and watching them. Or you could read the books, but that seems absolutely ridiculous.

Much like movies, I am not really a new! and current! book person. I’d love to be, but most of my head space is being used up keeping up with the Real Housewives of Wherever or thinking about dinner and I just don’t have the capacity to research new books, too. So, when I’m in need of a book, I’ll usually go check out what’s on our bookshelf that I haven’t read and pick something. That current something is Wild Fire by Nelson DeMille, which is like 10 years old, but in my opinion, DeMille never goes out of style. The thing I have always loved about him is his ability to make me laugh out loud; very few fiction authors have made me actually LOL, so kudos to DeMille.

What are you currently eating/watching/reading/enjoying?

This entry was posted in Book, Movies, TV, & Music, Food & Wine. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Current…

  1. LizScott says:

    I love me some Nelson DeMille. John Corey, I hear you.

  2. LizScott says:

    HEART. I HEART HIM. grrrr.

  3. Joy V. says:

    Hi Sarah! I found your blog through Holly (of which I am a friend of a friend type thing) Anyway! I just wanted to let you know that we tried the chicken/chickpea/tomato recipe last night and both my husband and myself liked it a lot! So, thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  4. Pingback: Me Month | Elimination Situation

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