Zen master

Usually in my yoga class, we set an “intention” for the class, for the day, week, whatever you want. Even if the teacher doesn’t specifically say, “Take this time to set an intention…[blah blah blah]”, I usually have an intention in mind. My intention, every time I go to yoga, is for patience. In fact, as I left for class Sunday morning, I said to LG, “Bye lady, Mom’s gonna go work on her patience!”


We had two new students in class, which is awesome (yoga for all!), but somehow they got situated on either side of me, which would have been fine if they hadn’t talked THE ENTIRE TIME.

Now listen, I don’t take yoga that seriously, I really don’t. I laugh when I fall out of a pose, or when the teacher cracks a joke (can yoga teachers crack jokes? I think they can.) But I just cannot abide someone next to me saying, “I can’t” over and over again. I can’t (ah!) handle that in life and I can’t handle that in yoga.

What I wanted to say to these women, every time they exclaimed, “I can’t do that!” was, “You’re right. You can’t do that. BECAUSE YOU’RE TELLING YOURSELF YOU CAN’T. Change your attitude.”

But I didn’t. Because all this yoga has made me a very patient person.

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2 Responses to Zen master

  1. Hillary says:

    That would drive me batty. I would not be able to stop giving them the stink eye. I probably need to work on my patience 🙂 My intention is usually “calm” because it sounds better than “not crazy.”

  2. queencaren says:

    I would have told them to shush. I know I would have. I have scolded people in the theater in NYC and the movies before. Dad always thinks I’m gonna get us killed but people just need to have someone guide them as to how to be LESS ASSHOLEY.

    That be my thinking. AND maybe they won’t want to be near me in the next yoga glass – all good right?

    And I’m extremely patient. I really am now. After 30 years in corporate america, you learn to wait a long time to exact revenge. It is none-the-less very sweet when it happens. Of course I NEVER wish anyone ill as Karma is a bitch.

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