Birthday twins

Happy birthday to yous

Happy birthday to yous

Happy birthday dear Dad and LG(eeeeeeee)

The 420 Club

Happy birthday to yous.

Some of you know my dad’s been in the hospital for the past week. He’s doing much better, but your continued thoughts/prayers/juju/deals with the devil/etc. are appreciated. We hope he’s back to 110% soon. Well, LG just hopes for MORE CAKE, but whatever.

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6 Responses to Birthday twins

  1. What a wonderful day to have a birthday times 2! Happy happy day to LG and Dad!!! (and so glad to hear he’s doing better…keeping him my thoughts.)

  2. I’m so sorry to hear your dad’s in the hospital but SO GLAD to hear he’s on the mend! Wishing him (and LG) good health and happiness and a wonderful birthday!

  3. PinkieBling says:

    Happy birthday to both of them! The photo where they’re gazing at each other is killing me, it’s so cute. Sending healing thoughts to your dad.

  4. Elsha says:

    Happy birthday! I’m glad to hear your dad is doing better– I’ve been thinking of you guys!

  5. Caitlin says:

    Happy happy birthday to them both. They’re so cute together, it’s unreal. I’m so glad he’s doing better and I sincerely hope you get some r&r soon. XOXOXOX

  6. Angella says:

    Sorry about your Dad, but glad to hear he’s feeling better. LG’s cheeks make my every day, you know. 🙂

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