Hanukkah, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day menus

Thank for all your style help! I…haven’t bought anything yet. I should have mentioned it before, but I don’t actually go shopping in stores. I mean, I shop at Target, but obviously the point of that post was that I need clothes other than Target clothes.

Anyway, I don’t shop in stores, not because I am too good to do so, but because there just truly aren’t any stores near me, other than outlets, and (other than the Nine West outlet), I really hate outlets, plus I have a feeling the stores are insanely busy right now, what with people Christmas shopping and I kind of hate people, so.

I wish there was an online personal shopping service where I could give someone my credit card number and budget, my measurements and color preferences, and a list of items I need, and just have them shop for me. I would totally pay for that service, because dude(tte)(s), LOFT’s site was overwhelming. I don’t know if I want a SuperFine Tuxedo Pant or a Modern Trouser Leg Pant or a Classic Trouser Pant, I JUST WANT A PANT.

So! I’ll buy something sometime, maybe — or maybe I’ll continue to wear these same leggings with holes in the rear — but until then, Hanukkah begins tomorrow and Christmas is next weekend and you know what that means! It means that even though my tummy hurts from eating and drinking too much this past weekend, it’s time to talk about what we’re eating and drinking this week and next weekend!


– Latkes! I’d be fine with a whole mess of latkes doused in sour cream and applesauce, served with a big salad, but Chris requires something else. Ideas? Maybe fish?

Christmas Eve

– Bombay Sapphire martinis

– Baked Brie

– Shrimp with homemade cocktail sauce (I scoffed when Ina Garten made her own, but wow, it really is far superior and so easy! How assholey does that make me sound, my god.)

– Goat cheese, caramelized onion, and roasted red pepper bruschetta

– I’m on the hunt for another appetizer, something easy, preferably containing a raw vegetable (roughage!), but also something new. Ideas?

Christmas day

– I haven’t figured out a breakfast menu yet, nor do we have any plans for appetizers, but I figure we’ll just graze on leftovers until dinner time.

– Roast (no recipe yet, but probably something fairly basic, as we have a quite nice cut of beef)

Pioneer Woman’s crash hot potatoes

Ina Garten’s sausage-stuffed mushrooms

– Sautéed green beans and almonds

– Green salad

– Probably rolls

– Possibly some roasted veggies (thinking carrots, fennel, onions, maybe a butternut squash or a parsnip for something different)

– No dessert planned, but we do have a magnum of champagne, so that should be enough

And that’s it! After next weekend, I plan to subsist on lettuce and carrots and go for long runs because man! I do love the holidays and I love (love, love!) cooking and eating and drinking, but ugh. Too much. Too, too much.

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6 Responses to Hanukkah, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day menus

  1. I want to eat all of those things. Plus the eighty zillion Christmas cookies that are in my house right now. ALLLLL of them.

  2. Mama Bub says:

    Those potatoes – holy crap, I want them now. Does it mean anything if my body is craving a salad and an orange because of all of the crap I’ve been ingesting lately? I’m going with no, as those cookies just aren’t going to eat themselves.

  3. so what time should I show up?

  4. Michelle says:

    Your menus sound incredible!!

    I do these roasted carrots that are awesome.
    2 pounds of baby carrots in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes with some seasoning and a little olive oil, pull out of the oven and drizzle with about 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of honey, and about 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. Pop them back into the oven for about 5 more minutes.

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