You know what bugs?

That one commercial that’s running right now, for Match or eHarmony or some such nonsense, where the girl says, “I promise to always take out the recycling, even though you’re better at it” and the dude says, “I promise never to take myself too seriously.”

Umm, excuse me?

First of all, how is someone “better” than someone else at taking out recycling? Furthermore, if that statement can be qualified, that he is better at taking out the recycling, then shouldn’t he just do it?

And also, what is with all that “not take myself too seriously” bullshit? While your wife is taking out trash, you’re sitting there doing what, exactly? Concentrating on being non-serious? I. Don’t. Get it.

Ugh, I hope that chick is happy, because she settled for a douchebag.

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3 Responses to You know what bugs?

  1. Mermanda says:

    Ok. This is my favorite post on your blog yet. I could go on for hours about those commercials. The one that makes me cringe the most is the girl who is “just a goof looking for her ball.” Gag.

  2. sarah marie p says:

    Hahahah. Oh my gosh! You are freakin hilarious! This post totally made me laugh out loud. LOVED IT!!!!

    I love how you totally called out that a-hole for being a douchbag! Oh man! I wonder if he’s not taking out the recycling because recycling, ya know — saving the earth and all that jazz, is kind of important and therefore serious. And he’s trying not to be serious and therefore he can’t be bothered with taking out the recycling. Heeeee! Too funny!

    Thanks for this post!

  3. Akymbo says:

    Maybe that’s why I haven’t found a good man yet — because I don’t like taking out the recycling. Or maybe it’s because I wear my comfortable pajamas to bed (to quote one of those other commercials). Or maybe it’s because I don’t think I should have to CHANGE MYSELF for the person who’s SUPPOSED to LOVE ME. Hmph.

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