“Tits McGee has the night off.”

I think people think we actually call LG “LG,” like as a nickname (like LC, Lauren Conrad, OMG!!1! No.) but we really don’t. Sometimes members of my family, from reading the blog, will call her LG and I think it’s cute, but it’s just not something we actually call her. We sometimes call her by her given name (imagine that!), but most of the time, we call her one of the name nicknames we’ve bestowed upon her. Here they are:

Turd (also: Turd Monster, Turd Monkey, Turdasaurus, and also sometimes used as a verb, as in, “What’s that kid up to?”, “Oh, just turding it up!”)

Nasty Mac (also: Ol’ Nasty Mac Herself, e.g.: “How’s Ol’ Nasty Mac Herself?”, “Just turding it up!”)

Honorable mentions: Cheeks McGee, Stinkarella, and Karl

My nickname as a kid  is (still) was Sar-Bear. I don’t see that changing anytime soon, so maybe I should give LG a better nickname. I don’t really think it will be endearing for a 28 year old woman to be called Nasty Mac.

Cheeks McGee, though? SUPER endearing

Did you have a nickname as a kid? Has it stuck with you through the years? If you have kids, do they have nicknames? Spill it.

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9 Responses to “Tits McGee has the night off.”

  1. Colleen says:

    Leenie. Leenie the Weenie. Or straight up, just Weenie. Thank goodness the Weenie has been dropped, except for in the occasional email or birthday card. 😉

  2. Maura says:

    Mo, Mowie, Morna and Maura Sunshine. My mom or my youngest sister might call me Mo or Mowie occasionally. My aunt still calls me Maura Sunshine. I kinda liked Mo, so I sometimes wish it stuck better.

  3. -R- says:

    My mom still calls me by my childhood nickname. I was embarrassed in the pre-teen/teen years, but I like it now.

    The nicknames that have stuck with my son for 2.5 years now are Buds and Warrensies. We used to have a ton more, but they fell out of favor, I guess.

    We call the baby “Pretty Pretties” or “the baby.” Those will be the lamest nicknames in the history of nicknames if we don’t come up with something better.

  4. Sarah says:

    I’ve been called Sassy since birth and most of my family still call me either Sass Sasseroo or Sassy to this day. I kind of love it.

  5. JenDay says:

    We call Leo, Boots or LeoBoots. Ben just started calling him that, we have no idea how he came up with it. So far, the last 11 months of his life, it has stuck. I really like it so I am pushing for it to stick.

  6. Tara says:

    We call Eriana lots of things: Princess, Princess Poopy Pants, Princess Peepee Pants, the bug, Goosey Girl, Silly Head, Little One, Little Girl, Silly Booty, Big Booty Baby, Sunshine, Eddy (her inutero nickname), Stinky Butt. 🙂

  7. My nicknames were always “Sassy” and “sass” and well as you can probably guess I am still referred to as such

  8. Tess says:

    I was Scooter for a very long time while growing up…I never minded it. My dad is the only person who still uses it occasionally.

    LG has the CUTEST CHEEKS EVER. So I approve of Cheeks McGee!

  9. Jenn says:

    We call Julianne “Jules” or “sweet cheeks” or “sassy pants”…the nicknames seem to change as they get older and develop their personality. We call Claire “Claire bear”. I have no idea why we started doing that but it has stuck!

    My grandpa called me chicken liver or ladybug. Hmmm. Weird.

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