Majoring in badassery

I swear, Chris and I used to be cool…I just can’t find any proof. Rather than going to bars and staying out till 2:00 AM, now we’re all, “Come look at what the baby’s doing!” when what she’s “doing” is this:
Too-big sleeves
Very exciting stuff, this laying on your side business

Or this:
(Slightly) open-eyed for once
She’s probably pooping here. And then contemplating how to conjure up another poop just as we’re changing her diaper. Little shit. Literally.

Or this:
Rouge foot
Rogue foot

Or this:

Puffy cheeks: All the better for me to KISS ON!

Or this:
Child's pose
Perfecting her yoga

Basically, having a baby has turned us into your typical lame parents. But dammit if she’s not totally badass.

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14 Responses to Majoring in badassery

  1. Haha, we’re the same with OUR DOG. Which I think officially makes us lamer than you two (why yes it IS a contest).

  2. saramcg says:

    haha welcome to the world of lame parents although I wouldn’t trade it for anything. She is a total badass. I love the rogue foot!

  3. Jennie says:

    Aw, I love her! Rogue foot, so adorable!

    (Lameness has its perks, I promise! Just today Kyle told me he wanted another hug and this time, “make it bigger.”)

  4. Mama Bub says:

    You just can’t help it! Holy crap, sometimes parenthood is awesome. Like when the sun is setting and my boy says, “It’s getting nightier and nightier! “

  5. barbetti says:

    Oh I’m all over the lameness. Two years into this parenting gig, and I can’t remember what xcited me before those boys came along.

    She is so beautiful! And I can’t believe all that hair!

  6. JenDay says:

    I was just thinking how incredibly considerate she is already. She came a few weeks early so she would be smaller and that much easier on your “chute” when she made her way out. What a sweet little lady baby!

  7. That first one is mad cute. Is she smiling in her sleep? I like.

  8. Raven says:

    I love when they squnch up like that last one. SO COMPACT!

  9. Steph says:

    She is so tiny and precious and adorable! Oh and definitely totally badass. For sure.

  10. Rhi says:

    Yoga already! She’s so advanced!

  11. Oh, friend.

    I know, right?

    I’m simultaneously being a mom cliche and annoyed with moms sometimes. Ha.

    CATCH 22.

  12. A'Dell says:

    I LOVE HER! She is beyond cute all scrunchy like that. I’d stare at that marvelous show all damn day long.

  13. queencaren says:

    Adorable! Adorable! Adorable!
    She a total BADASS – did you have any doubts?

  14. hillary says:

    look at her little TOES!

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