Whoa-oh, we’re [almost] halfway there…

I’m still pregnant. Nineteen weeks pregnant as of a couple days ago, in fact. The whole count-your-pregnancy-by-the-week thing annoys me, but there really is no better way to say it…

Nineteen weeks.

Four-ish months.

Almost halfway there.

Livin’ on a prayer.

(Boy am I ever.)

It occurred to me the other day that in a little over 19 weeks/4-ish months/sometime in May I will be giving birth. But beyond that, it occurred to me that one minute, there will be a kid in me and another minute, there will not. And honestly, I feel very unequipped to deal with all that…emotion. Do I laugh? Cry? Maybe both, probably neither. As I said, I am not equipped to deal with this yet and so for now, the thought just freaks me out. One second it’s IN ME, the next second(s), it’s NOT. It trips me out, man.

Other than that, things are cool. I like to think I’m not really getting any bigger, but that is a giant joke. I almost can’t see my feet and every morning when I wake up, I feel like I ate a mess of Taco Bell and drank two bottles of champagne the night before. Plus, there is evidence I’m getting bigger, see? Here I am on the left at 12 weeks and on the right at 19 weeks and HELLO, SARAH. YOU HAVE GROWN.
12 Weeks19 Weeks

I am, however, not in any maternity clothes yet, which is really not impressive at all, it just means I’m cheap, lazy, and wear a lot of leggings. Also, I have two pairs of jeans that still fit, so it appears at one point in my life, I could have passed for four-and-a-half months pregnant. That’s actually kind of sad.

We did find out the sex of the baby and although I was planning on keeping it a secret, it ended up shocking me so much, I spilled the beans on Twitter last week. So, if you’re not family or an in-real-life friend or following me on Twitter, it’s a girl. (ACK!)

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8 Responses to Whoa-oh, we’re [almost] halfway there…

  1. Marie Green says:

    1. Adorable belly. 2. Living with 3 little girls and loving it. I put curlers in all their hair last night, and this morning I choked up as three of the angels in the Christmas program were MINE. 3. What blows my mind about your pregnancy right now is that at 19 weeks, I still didn’t know I was having twins. (Found out at 23 weeks). 4. SQUEEEEE HALF WAY THERE!!

  2. Mama Bub says:

    The 19 week picture doesn’t show up on my computer unless I click the Flickr link and I was looking at the 12 week picture thinking, “She thinks that’s a belly?!” I spent a minute hating you until I realized that I’m an idiot.

  3. Manda says:

    First off, you look great! I love your long tanks! Where are they from? Second, GIRLS ARE AWESOME!!! you’re going to do great.

  4. queencaren says:

    You do look great! GIRLS are the awesomest!!!
    You’re going to be a wonderful Mommy. 🙂

    xoxoxo GMoms

  5. Little baby girl, I’m SO excited about that! Also, you are hands down the cutest preggo mama ever. I don’t even look as cute as Pregnant You being not pregnant!

  6. You are totally adorable! Half way – WOW.

  7. Holly says:

    You are so adorable I can’t stand it! 😉

    Can I be half as cute as you when I’m pregnant?

  8. Kerri Anne says:

    I too am incapable of saying “We’re halfway there” without then adding a good “Whoa-oh! Living on a prayer!” for good measure.

    (You’re totally going to name your little girl “Jovi,” aren’t you?)

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