What’s in a name?

So, we’re married. And no, to answer your question, it doesn’t feel different. Maybe it will when I change my name…


…This blog.

I don’t want to change my name. I really, really don’t. It doesn’t mean I won’t…I am, in fact, already in the process of changing my email addresses…it just means I am a little sad and a little annoyed at the whole name-change business. Sad that I am losing a name I worked really hard to get. Sad that I’m losing a name which means so much to me. Sad that I’m losing that awesome alliteration (SS is badass!). And annoyed that I, ONCE AGAIN, have to go through the tedious process of changing my name…visits to the Social Security office and the DMV, etc.

But there is someone who wants me to change my name. Really, really wants me to. And he wants me to more than I don’t want to and so, I’ll change it. I guess they call that…what’s the word?…oh, compromise.

So, yes, I know one day my new name will come naturally and I won’t sign off of all my emails with SS (dammit…SW!), but for now it’s hard. And no, I’m not hyphenating. I’m an all or nothing kinda gal, even if it means I complain along the way.

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One Response to What’s in a name?

  1. Akymbo says:

    I love that our conversation inspired a blog! 😀 I like Sarah Wal$h actually. Do note that I will always think of you as Brenda & Brandon's long lost sister, though…

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