I mustache you a question

Stolen from Hillary. Feel free to steal for all your blogging needs. (I just went to comment on some blogs and it seems that none of us have been posting much, so get on it. I’m talking to you Holly, MamaBub, Raven, et. al. XOXO.)

The highlight of my week… Installing new lights in our kitchen, FINALLY. It makes me happy whenever I go in there. Also, today’s playdate with EBJ and K Dubs was pretty fun, especially when Katie tried to hug LG goodbye and LG ran away from her. The manners on this kid, honestly.

The low point of my week… Waking up this morning with a raging headache. Lack of sleep hangovers are some serious bullshit.

The best book/article I read… I’ve been reading Yes Please (Amy Poehler) and enjoying it quite a bit. Yesterday afternoon I’d read the part about how the Upright Citizen’s Brigade theatre’s theme is “Don’t Think” and last night at improv I saw a shirt on someone that just said Don’t Think on the back and I was like, Hey, I know what that means!

My favorite photo I took…
New lights!
New lights!

This week’s workouts… Consisted of a lot of walking to the dreaded playground.

The best money I spent… I checked my bank account this morning and found that the winery charged us for our next wine shipment, so even if it’s not in my hands yet, it’s still a good purchase. Also, new lights for the kitchen!

My plans this weekend… Tomorrow LG goes to school, which means my weekend officially begins. I’ll go to yoga in the morning and we’ll probably make pizza for dinner. Saturday morning, I am going to a yoga class featuring a DJ, which should be fun. Sunday is brunch/lunch with the ladies. Monday funday (Chris’s day off and LG’s other school day, so an extension of the weekend) is still up in the air. Hopefully something fun with my bae. (I just said bae, how hip am I, guys?)

What about you all–what’s new?

This entry was posted in All About Moi, Book, Movies, TV, & Music, Chris, Improv, LG, Mediocre Homes & Gardens. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to I mustache you a question

  1. littlemissmel says:

    LOVE the new lights!! Crazy how one simple thing can make such a huge difference!! So cool.

    I wish our playdate days overlapped. I’m bummed to be out of the loop. Wah wah. Glad you guys had fun together.

    If I can find my blog soon, I’ll post something.

    Looking forward to seeing the crew!

  2. Hillary says:

    LOVE the lights! And am intrigued by the yoga DJ.

  3. K says:

    Those lights are look GOOD!

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