Child of the corn

Me, walking through corn stalks: Who am I?

Chris: Signs?

Me, walking through corn stalks with more emphasis: No! Who am I?!

Chris: Umm. Children of the Corn?

Me, again, walking through corn stalks with as much emphasis as I can to properly illustrate the movie I’m reenacting, because it should be SO OBVIOUS: NO! I need a prop or something…WHO AM I?!

Chris: Field of Dreams*!

*Like Point Break, WHAT IS IT about dudes and Field of Dreams, am I right?

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One Response to Child of the corn

  1. amy says:

    You are totally right. What is it with dudes and certain movies? And I’m sorry but “corn stocks” made me laugh. Maybe because I work at a broker. Way funnier than corn stalks. :o). Happy Thursday.

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